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The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Writer: Zachariah KenneyZachariah Kenney

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Format: On Rails

Theme: Magic

Author: Steve Carrington, rewrite by Joe Revesz and Rich Sezov

Adventure Master: Player 5 (“Hector”), for his 21st mission.

Date in Real Life: Sunday, 6 August, 2023

In Game Day: Arba, the 2nd of Owol (early summer)

Player Characters:

  • Dorei the Cadet, on her 4th mission.

  • Gundo the Cadet, on his 5th mission.

  • Rumbald the Cadet, on his 4th mission.

  • Cenbald the Cadet, on his 8th mission.

The LightRaider cadets are going about their daily business in the Liberated Land when they feel the unmistakable call of the OverLord in their hearts. Immediately, they pack their gear and begin traveling to the Passage Lakes. They meet each other along the way and wonder why they have been called.

“Dorei, Gundo, Rumbald,” Cenbald greeted his cadet classmates. “You feel the call of the Overlord, too?”

“Yes. Unmistakable,” Dorei said. “I just knew I had to come.”

Gundo glanced around. “Should we be waiting for Norvin?”

“Maybe he didn’t get called by the Overlord,” Cenbald said, glancing around. The team lingered for a few minutes, but Norvin did not show up. They continued on to the Passage Lakes.

At the Passage Lakes, a unicorn appeared to them in the evening and reminded them of the Night of the Scarlet Moon and the hapless babies dedicated to the dragons.

“The Scarlet moon was two weeks ago,” Cenbald commented.

The unicorn nodded. "The OverLord of Many Names wants two of these children rescued from the clutches of dark magic," he tells you. He then fades from sight.

After walking into the shallow lake, the team exits a HollowTree in the Western Peaks, not far from the town of Safety's End.

“I suppose we should set up camp,” Cenbald suggested. “The Overlord didn’t give us much to go on, so we should wait for further instructions.”

The group agreed. The laid out their bedrolls, set a watch, and snoozed for part of the night. It was calm and quiet.

“I hear something. Wake up, guys!” Gundo said, drawing his sword. The others leaped to their feet.

“Sounds like footsteps,” Cenbald said. He glanced around, and decided to climb a tree.

“What are you doing?” Dorei hissed.

“If it’s a Dark Creature, I want to get the drop on them!” Cenbald whispered back.

Rumbald readied his flail. Dorei was standing, but otherwise did nothing. “I don’t even hear these footsteps!” she protested.

A few minutes later, a unicorn stepped into the clearing.

“Not a dark creature,” Gundo said, sheathing his sword. Rumbald put his flail away, and Cenbald climbed out of the tree.

"Greetings, servants of the OverLord of Many Names! You have been brought here for a special reason: to rescue two families from disaster. I trust that you are aware of the ungodly tradition of the dragons: that any child born on the Night of the Scarlet Moon is to be dedicated to the service of the dragons as a sorcerer.

"This tradition grieves the OverLord, and by His mercy, He will be using you to begin the great task of stopping it.

"Your first job is to enter Safety's End. There, there are two families grieving, for their children have been given to an evil sorcerer in this area. His job is to look after the children until they are of age to begin the training. Then they begin the long trek to one of many sorcerer training schools.

"You are to find the two families and explain the Great Rescue to them. They are secretly seeking the OverLord of Many Names, while acting as though they are pleased that their children have been taken. You are then to tell them that the OverLord has assigned you to rescue their children, and to take them all back to the Liberated Land, to serve Him there.

"The fathers of the children both work as fishermen on the Parlo River, just outside of town. Their names are Matthas and Darnell. Go, fellow servants. Find them and minister the Word of the OverLord to them, knowing that you are obeying the will of the One who has saved you."

“I have a question!” Dorei began. But the unicorn vanished, leaving a few scrolls behind.

“No questions, apparently,” Gundo said. He and Cenbald moved to the scrolls. They opened them and read them.

WordRune 50 -- Right On WordRune

Psalm 119:160

All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.

Psalm 119:160

FA6, DL1, FA+1, SS+1

All who say the Right On WordRune successfully will add 3 points to the LightRaider's Belt of Truth rating for one dragon encounter. May be used only once per day.

WordRune 51 -- Puffed-Up Poof WordRune

1 Corinthians 8:1

We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.

1 Corinthians 8:1

LO2, DL1, LO+1, SS+1

The LightRaider confronted by a dragon and its mind speech can recite the Puffed-Up Poof WordRune and inflict 5 points of damage to the dragon's pride points. When used, it has considerable effect in dampening a dragon's spirit--so much so that the LightRaider can use another WordRune before the dragon recovers. May be used only once per dragon encounter.

WordRune 36 -- Wrong Way WordRune

Proverbs 14:12

There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

Proverbs 14:12

GO4, DL1, GO+1, SS+1

The LightRaider who says the Wrong Way WordRune from memory does 5 points damage to the dream dragon's pride factor. May be used only once per day.

“Do you suppose we’re going to meet a Dream Dragon?” Dorei asked.

“It is at least possible, since the Overlord has provided these reminders of his Sacred Scrolls,” Gundo allowed.

“Wait. Parlo River. Safety’s End. That sounds familiar,” Cenbald said. He snapped his fingers a couple of times. “Right, I remember. This is where Norvin is from. I wonder why he didn’t get sent on this mission with us? He would know the area.”

“Maybe the Overlord knew it would be a bad idea for Norvin to come. Who knows what might have happened?” Dorei asked.

“Yeah, that dragon probably wouldn’t be very happy with him for abandoning her,” Gundo said. “What’s her name? Cruella? Ubella?”

“Thuella,” Cenbald said. “Assuming she remembers him. It’s been a couple of years.”

Rumbald stiffled a laugh. “This is a dragon we’re talking about. I’m sure she remembers.”

“But Thuella was a Shadow Dragon. Yet here the Overlord has provided a Wordrune for a Dream Dragon.”

“Guess there’s more than one dragon in the area, now,” Dorei concluded. “Great.”

“Safety’s End, then?” Cenbald asked, gesturing down the path.

“Safety’s End,” the others agreed.

The Raid team made their way to the village. Dawn was still a couple of hours away. They entered through the town gate and made their way to the river. The fishermen were all out in their little boats, working.

“My dad always said fishing was better at night,” Cenbald commented, fingering his trident. “Part of me wants to join them.” He sighed wistfully for a moment. “But this life with the Overlord and the Lightraider Academy is way more exciting. Anyways, they’ll be working all night. We may as well set up camp and get a bit more sleep while we wait for them to come to shore.”

The team agreed to this plan and snoozed the rest of the night. At dawn, the fishermen came to shore. Once they went to their houses, the Raid team got up and looked around.

“How are we going to find them? Start knocking on doors?” Rumbald asked.

“Did I hear a question?” a squeaky voice came from behind them. They turned and looked at a man standing there. He was wearing rags, was dirty, and had big ears. “My name is Mort the Short!” he exclaimed gleefully. “I can sell you some information for the price of a warm breakfast at the inn!”

Gundo looked at the others and shrugged. “May as well,” he said.

They made their way to the inn and paid for breakfast for everyone. After the meal, Mort the Short asked, “so, who are you looking for?”

“We’re looking for the fishermen Matthas and Darnell. Do you know them?”

“Of course I know them! I pay attention! I know everyone!” Mort the Short said. “I’m always listening, even when people don’t notice I’m there!” he giggled. “I’ll lead you to them. Follow me.”

The team made their way back to the river’s edge. Mort the Short led them to a shack. “Matthas lives here, and Darnell lives two doors down,” he pointed. “Have a nice day!”

“Thank you!” Cenbald called out.

They knocked, and a woman opened the door. “Yes, can I help you?” she asked.

“We’re thinking we might be able to help you,” Dorei said. “Does Matthas live here? We are Lightraiders, sent by the Overlord!”

The woman’s eyes widened. She glanced up and down the street, then ushered them inside.

The shack only had one room. Two men and another woman were inside. The men ended up being exactly who they were looking for. The women were their wives; Aria and Melor.

The team explained who they were and Cenbald explained the Great Rescue. All four of them accepted the Great Rescue. The Lightraiders assured the parents that they had been sent by the Overlord to rescue their children.

Afterwards, the team escorted the couples out of Safety’s End and back to the Hollow Tree.

“Wait for us on the other side. We’ll go get your children,” Dorei said.

“Thank you so much for telling us about the Overlord,” Darnell said as they stepped through the tree.

Once they were all gone, the team stood staring at the tree for a moment. “So, now what?” Cenbald asked.

“Hey, there’s a note, here,” Gundo said, grabbing a scrap of parchment tacked to the side of the tree. “It says, ‘Once the families have passed through, enter me. Travel downhill once you arrive.’”

“Wouldn’t the Hollow Tree just take us back to the Passage Lakes?” Dorei wondered.

“Oh, wait, there’s an arrow. And there’s a hill right there. Maybe it’s a Hollow Hill and will take us somewhere else in the Dragon Lands,” Cenbald suggested.

Sure enough, it was a Hollow Hill.

As they stepped out of another hill, not far from where they started, a severe storm flared up. Lightning flashed, and high wind gusts tossed the trees from side to side. Thunder rumbled as the wind increased and it started to rain heavily, decreasing visibility to only a few yards.

“Is that a path?” Gundo shouted.

“Looks like it!” Cenbald shouted back. They followed one another down the path through the woods.

“I feel so lost,” Dorei complained as they hiked along.

“I’m a little disoriented, too!” Rumbald agreed.

“This lightning is messing with my senses!” Gundo said. “Nothing looks real!”

Another loud crack of lightning deafened them for a moment, and they heard a splintering sound from the woods beside the trail.

Gundo sawhis fellow adventurers scattering in all directions and wondered what was happening. The howling wind masked any other sounds and the visibility was very poor.Hesuspected it was time to do something and started to run. Unfortunately, something like a huge claw with lots of tiny teeth seemed to grabhimfrom behind and pushedhimto the ground.He felt hisface making a deep impression in the mud andhisbody was pinned to the ground. Twistinghishead back and forth,hecleared enough room to spit out some mud that jumped intohisopen mouth and began yelling for help. Gundo gasped for breath to continue yelling, and noticed an aroma of smoldering pine in the air.

“It’s too heavy! I can’t lift it!” he heard Rumbald yelling. Gundo couldn’t get up. A heavy weight was still relentlessly holding him down. Did a tree fall on him? That would explain the pain and scent of pine.

“Hang on Gundo and Cenbald! Together, now!” Dorei called.

“Rrrggghhh!” Gundo heard the sounds of Rumbald and Dorei straining with their muscles. He felt the weight holding him down budge slightly. “It’s too much!

“Is that a bear!?” Dorei called out alarmed.

A moment later, the tree was pushed aside. Rumbald helped Gundo to his feet. “Nothing broken,” Gundo moaned.

“Praise the Overlord it wasn’t worse!” Rumbald replied.

Gundo looked around. To his right, he saw Dorei helping Cenbald, who had also been caught by the falling tree. He looked a bit scratched up as well, but was on his feet. Gundo heard noise to his left. He turned and saw a black bear walking away from them into the forest. “Thank you!” he called out. The bear continued on his way without comment.

“Nothing to do but keep going!” Cenbald said as the wind picked up again.

The team continued trudging through the rain. A mile or so farther down the path, Dorei held up her hand to halt the group. “I hear voices!”

Everyone strained their ears. “Over there!” Rumbald pointed.

They stepped off the path and went a few yards into the bush. Another fallen tree was here. Two brown squirrels were chattering back and forth.

"That's the second home we've lost this season!" said the male squirrel.

"Maybe the OverLord has a different place he wants us to go, just like last time!" said an excited female squirrel. "Don't you remember we went on that grand adventure after our first tree blew over and we met Clumsy who became a great friend and -- where is Clumsy now? Isn't he supposed to be back in this neighbourhood by now? Did you see those funny looking creatures over there? Well, I guess now we're down below too, I better watch what I say."

"They're called people and one is watching you right now, dear!" he said.

A muddy lop eared rabbit nudged Dorei. "Are Sarah and Ralph all right?" asked the rabbit. "I suppose Sarah sounds like herself and Ralph doesn't talk too much. Hi, I'm their friend Gentle. My hole filled up with water, I'll have to wait until after the storm for it to drain out."

“The Overlord is with us!” Cenbald greeted the animals.

“Always and forever!” the three animals replied in unison.

“Nice to meet you,” Cenbald replied. “I’m Cenbald. This is Dorei, Gundo and Rumbald.”

“I’m Ralph,” the male squirrel said. “This is my wife, Sarah.”

“Who is Clumsy?” Gundo asked.

"He's much bigger than us!"

"He keeps falling out of trees, and making his black eyes even bigger!"

"He would love to go on an adventure with you!"

"He'll catch up with us after a while, he's probably looking for food, he likes to travel at night."

“Are you guys on an adventure?”

“Yes!” Gundo replied. “The Overlord sent us to rescue some babies from a sorcerer!”

“Great, we’ll come with you!” Sarah exclaimed.

“Um… okay, sure,” Cenbald said, surprised by their enthusiasm.

“Let’s make sure we’re packed,” Ralph said, going to a hole in the tree.

“Leave the nuts, dear,” Sarah said.

“What about the scrolls, are they important?” Ralph asked.

“Scrolls!?” Dorei started. “What scrolls?”

Ralph pulled scrolls out of the hole in the tree. “WordRunes that the Overlord left here for you, of course!”

The LightRaiders accepted the scrolls and looked through them.

WordRune 21 -- Crown of Life WordRune

DL 1, FA 1

Revelation 2:10c

Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.

Revelation 2:10c

FA+1 mu, SS+1 mu

By saying from memory the Crown of Life WordRune, a LightRaider may add 2 to his Faithfulness Character Strength. Lasts for only one encounter. May be used only once per day.

WordRune 46 -- Approved Workman WordRune

DL 2, PA 4

2 Timothy 2:15

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

2 Timothy 2:15

PA+2 mu, SS+2 mu

If a LightRaider can say the Approved Workman WordRune, it allows him to read a WordRune of any Difficulty Level. May be used only once per day.

WordRune 49 -- No Sweat WordRune

DL 1, JO 4, FA 6

Romans 8:31b

If God is for us, who can be against us?

Romans 8:31b

JO+1 mu, FA+1 mu, SS+1 mu

The LightRaider who successfully says the No Sweat WordRune raises his Shield of Faith rating by 3 for the duration of one encounter. May be used only once per day

Second Death WordRune

DL 3, FA 4

Rev 21:8

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-- their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.

Rev 21:8

JO+3, SS+3 mu

When the Second Death WordRune is recited, a magic spell is diverted or reflected, whichever is most appropriate. May be used only once per week.

“I didn’t know the Second Death WordRune,” Rumbald remarked. “But I’ve at least heard of the others.”

“We’re all set, let’s go,” Ralph said, climbing into Rumbald’s backpack. Sarah found her way into Cenbald’s pack, and Gentle joined Dorei. “To the village!” Ralph exclaimed.

“There’s a village ahead?” Cenbald asked. “Is the sorcerer there?”

“I hope not,” Sarah said.

As the team set out again, the storm began to subside, andthe clouds cleared away. The day brightened and the air was fresh and crisp. They hiked for a couple more hours before seeing a village in a large clearing. It was still far down the mountainside. Midday approached as the team entered the village. The area was very dirty; torn baskets, scrap wood and broken pottery lined the puddled streets. Gardens full of vegetables extended from the village to the tree line.

The people were in rags and seemed unhappy for such a nice day. Most scattered and tried to get away from the group if asked about the sorcerer or the School of Magic. A couple of older people pointed at the group and screamed something about doom being brought down on them because of the Raid team.

Leaving the settlement, the team met an old dragon slave washer woman who is slapping wet clothes on rocks beside a stream. She backed away from the team and into the river when asked about the sorcerer. She held up charms on necklaces and asked about protection from Kent the sorcerer before she will tell the adventurers where he lives. Her name was Lucille. She did his laundry once a week, and just went a day ago, so she is not expected back so soon. She tells them several things about the sorcerer:

  1. He gets mad when people do not do exactly what he says.

  2. He asks for money and food from the people of this village in return for his protection.

  3. He keeps the crops growing and will not allow followers of the OverLord to steal and eat their children.

It was difficult, but Lucille accepted the Great Rescue. She decided to help the team when she was told of their mission. She had to finish her work before showing the team where the sorcerer lives. Dorei and Gundo helped her finish her chores. The others went to her hut to rest. The hut was cramped and dirty, a crude fireplace sat in one corner. A few pieces of wood sat outside in case someone wanted to heat the place.

The team glanced nervously out the window and saw a group of villagers gathering and pointing at Lucille’s house. Then they started seeing pitchforks and torches.

“I think a mob is forming. We should go. Like now,” Dorei advised.

The team set out towards some hills to the north west. Late in the day, after rounding one of those hills, they saw the dark gray tower of the sorcerer Kent.

The Sorcerer's house was a small tower with a cottage attached to the south side of it. The tower was circular, 30 feet across and stood about 45 feet tall. There were two windows visible. One window was 10 feet below the conical roof on the east side, while the other was about 25 feet above ground on the west side. Ivy was growing up the north side of it. There was an ornately carved wooden door on the west side of the cottage and one window on the east side. There were dark silk-like curtains covering the cottage window.

“Locked,” Rumbald said, jiggling the handle.

“I’ll force it,” Cenbald said, stepping back a few paces and taking out his trident. He charged full speed at the door. When he made contact, instead of the sounds of splintering wood, the team heard a loud crack, the door lit up electric blue, and Cenbald was thrown back several feet. They rushed to him.

“Are you okay?”

“No,” Cenbald coughed. “Ouch, I haven’t been this hurt for a long time!”

“Easy does it,” Gundo said, helping him sit up.

“I’m guessing the sorcerer has some sort of magic spell blocking the door?” Rumbald hazarded.

Lucille shrugged. “He always came out to meet me. I was never allowed inside.”

“I wonder if the windows are trapped as well,” Dorei mused, picking up a large rock. She tested its weight a moment, then heaved it into a window. The glass shattered, and a similar blue shock threw the rock back. It bounced harmlessly in the grass. Dorei picked it up again. “One more time, now that the glass is gone.” She threw it, and the rock sailed through the opening and crashed into something inside the cottage. “I think we found our entrance,” she announced, smiling at the others.

The door opened easily enough from the inside. The cottage seemed to have only one room which was about 20 feet square. A half-eaten dinner (the food was cold) was on the polished wooden table in the center of the room, along with a burnt out candle on a golden candlestick. The candlestick was knocked over, and the rock was beyond it in the cold food. Two nice wood chairs were on either side of the table. A couple of soft chairs were placed in the corners of the room. A fireplace was on the wall connecting the tower to the cottage. A grand painting of a dragon and a sorcerer defeating the OverLord hung over the fireplace. To the right of the fireplace there was a low doorway that went into the tower. The doorway was covered with a dark curtain that had mystic symbols sewn into it. To the left of the fireplace was a basket with some dirty clothes and rags in it.

“I hate this painting,” Dorei said, drawing a dagger. She stepped forward and slashed it. Lucille gasped.

“Zeal for the Overlord,” Dorei said, sheathing the dagger again.

Going through the arched doorway left the LightRaiders on a landing with stairs down into the basement of the tower to the left, and to the right, stairs up to the higher levels of the tower. The stairs curved along the walls of the tower. This ground floor seemed to be a storage room of no consequence.

“Up or down?” Dorei asked.

Cenbald shrugged. “Up, I guess.”

The second floor had a table, a few wooden chairs and a couple of empty bunk beds. A scroll lay on the table, rolled up but not tied shut. Cenbald unrolled it. It was a map of the surrounding area. It shows the ragged village, Safety's End and a couple of other towns. There were also some markings that looked like they could be some kind of code or mystic symbols.

The third floor was the sorcerer's bedroom. It was lavishly furnished with a lot of silver items. Tapestries of indescribably lewd scenes covered the walls. Dorei seethed and drew her dagger again. Cenbald helped her destroy the sinful tapestries.

There was a small unlocked chest under the bed. It contained a rusty key that has not been used for quite some time. There was also about 20 gold Wings of coins in the chest. “I wonder if this key is important?” Gundo asked holding it up.

“Keep the key. Leave the gold,” Cenbald instructed.

“I hate that he lives in luxury while the villagers are in rags,” Dorei muttered.

The top floor of the tower was the sorcerer's work room. The ceiling was vaulted, and herbs and unidentifiable dried things hung from the rafters. An ornate round table sat in the middle of the room. It was covered with many different sizes and shapes of candles, scrolls of many sizes and ages, and containers with powders, liquids, and lumps of things. Gundo picked up a scroll. “Whoa,” he said, dropping it. “Don’t touch anything. I suddenly felt a strong desire to learn all I can about magic. These things must be enchanted.”

“I wonder if they’re fire proof?” Dorei grinned.

“Say what?”

“Stone building. Stone table. Wouldn’t spread. What would happen if we lit all his magic junk on fire?”

Cenbald grinned. “Let’s do it!” within a couple of minutes, they had a blazing fire going on the table.

“I’m starting to feel a little woozy with these strange things burning,” Gundo complained.

“Everyone downstairs!” Cenbald commanded. Everyone fled the room and went down and around and down and around and down and around until they arrived at the ground floor again.

“Better,” Gundo nodded.

The basement room was lined all the way around and from top to bottom, save the fireplace, with bookshelves. Various artifacts, books, and boxes fill the shelves. All seem to have fallen into disuse. A tall, narrow fireplace was sandwiched between bookcases and was directly below the fireplace in the cottage. In the fireplace was a swing-out kettle and a couple of burnt out logs.

“There’s got to be more than this,” Cenbald said. “Help me look for a secret doorway or something.”

After some careful searching, Gundo found a hidden doorway in the back of the narrow fireplace. It took little effort to open the well used door, but it opened with a quiet squeak.

The team peered into the room and saw a goblin grab a bundle (that began to wail like a baby) from a box and run out the other side of the secret room. A second goblin jumped up from the floor and tried to block the party from entering the room. A third goblin grabbed another bundle, which also began to cry, and ran down the dark hallway opposite the fireplace entrance.

“Out of my way, bully,” Cenbald said. “Psalm 24:1, The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, Psalm 24:1.” The Overlord answered his prayer, and the goblin disintegrated before his eyes.

“Do you think the Overlord melted the guys with the babies, too?” Gundo asked, rushing into the secret nursery.

“I doubt it. They would have been dropped if He did,” Cenbald said. “Come on!” The team rushed down the tunnel.

The tunnel that the goblins ran down quickly turned from a smooth-walled hallway to a rough-hewn cave tunnel. It was wide enough for two people to walk side-by-side and was also pitch black so the Lightraiders used the Night Light WordRune. After several hundred feet and quite a few bends, the party entered a 30 foot cavern that had two other passages leading out of it. The smell in here was bad. A couple of goblins entered from the tunnels opposite and attacked the party. The Dark Creatures were quickly dispatched.

“Which way?” Gundo asked, looking at the two tunnels.

“Shh! Listen!” Dorei said.

“I don’t hear anything!” Gentle the rabbit whispered.

“That’s because you’re talking. Be quiet and listen,” Dorei said gently.

The party strained their ears.

“Baby cry. Left tunnel,” Rumbald said.

The tunnel was narrow, and only one may pass through at a time. As they went down that passage, they passed several recently abandoned living spaces.

Eventually, the party emerged from the caves into fresh air. They looked around and saw they were about a mile from the sorcerer's tower, and a little higher in the hills. The sun was near setting behind the mountains, and it was still a nice day. Four goblins were advancing to the entrance of the cave with swords drawn. A much larger Hobgoblin (Giant Goblin) was with them. The babies were held by two goblins who had climbed on top of a boulder near the edge of the woods to watch the fight.

“I think they have hostile intent,” Gundo remarked as the team readied their weapons.

Gentle, Ralph and Sarah jumped out of the Lightraider’s packs and scurried to the side of the cave. Lucille backed way and stood with them.

“Here they come!” Cenbald said as the goblins charged.

“Ya!” Dorei leapt into action. Cenbald jabbed with his trident. Gundo exchanged a few blows, then brought his goblin down. He sheathed his sword, and pulled out his bow, looking at the goblins on the boulder.

“Don’t shoot! You might hit the babies!” Dorei yelled.

Gundo hesitated.

“Behind you!” Lucille screamed.

Gundo whirled around and saw a full sized cave troll step out of the cave opening. Behind him was a man who could only be Kent the Sorcerer. He was dressed in funny robes with strange symbols, and carried a staff.

“What are you doing!?” Kent yelled at the goblins. “Can’t you handle a few Light Raider cadets?” He glanced at the troll. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

The troll grunted and ran into battle. Cenbald and Rumbald had already killed their goblins, and were ready to meet the new threat.

“Hobgoblin!” Dorei yelled. Gundo turned and fired an arrow at the giant goblin that was bearing down on Dorei.

“Why are you watching!? Run, you Goblin fungus brains!” the sorcerer yelled.

Gundo turned and saw the goblins on the boulder start climbing down.

“Must I do everything?” Kent yelled. Next thing Gundo knew, a fireball was flying towards him. He suddenly had a wave of peace wash over him as he remembered the Second Death WordRune. “Revelation 21:8, But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-- their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death. Rev 21:8.”

Gundo blinked as the fireball changed direction and flew back at Kent full force, knocking the sorcerer off his feet. Kent stood quickly, patting out smouldering threads on his robes. “This can’t be. The dragons are stronger,” he muttered.

“Clumsy!” Ralph and Sarah and Gentle started cheering.

Gundo turned and saw a goblin with a baby running away from the same black bear that had helped them in the woods. The bear was being careful. Herding the goblins, not jumping on them.

Gundo saw Cenbald strike a critical hit at the cave troll’s groin. The monster fell to its knees in pain, groaning. “Look out!” Gundo cried out as he saw the sorcerer send another fireball, this time at Cenbald. The fireball slowed, and turned around and flew right back at Kent, engulfing him in flames.

“He can’t take much more of his own medicine,” Gundo muttered.

The LightRaiders began to hear a low rumble, and the ground began to shake.

“Strognar,” Kent grinned, getting weakly to his feet. “He’ll take care of you.”

Digging itself out of a cave tunnel that the party missed, a dream dragon reared its head at them, immediately attacking them with MindSpeech.

Why are you seeking to take these children away from us? They were legally given into our custody. You hypocrites! You are disobeying your own OverLord's laws by this action.

Dorei straightened her shoulders. Proverbs 26:28, "A lying tongue hates those who are crushed by it, And a flattering mouth works ruin." You have deceived the parents of these children and it is only by those falsehoods that they have given custody of them to you. We are not disobeying our OverLord--you are. We are seeking to make things right.”

You don't understand what you are doing. These children will have the best lives in Talania. They will learn much. They will be respected and revered. Are not your elders respected because of their education and experience? Why would you deny these children the same thing?

Rumbald clenched his fists. “Revelation 21:8, But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-- their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death. Rev 21:8. Their lives will end in disaster and judgment.”

We do not teach them bad things; only good things. Your OverLord performed many wonderful deeds using magic. He used His magic to heal, to make wine, and to feed people. He even exalted Himself with His magic by walking on water! We teach these children the same kind of skills. Don't belittle what you don't understand.

Gundo shook his head. “Deuteronomy 18:10-12, "'There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD, and because of these abominations the LORD your God drives them out from before you.'" Sorcery is an abomination to the Lord. Jesus Christ did not use sorcery to do His miracles. He is God in the flesh, and so has the power to perform miraculous deeds. Sorcery is idolatry, because it is the worship of things other than God.”

The dragon opened his mouth and breathed his dragon breath on the team.

Gundo looked around. “Well, everything seems to be under control, here. Keep up the good work, guys,” he turned and wandered off into the woods.

“Gundo!” Dorei snapped.

“No time!” Cenbald warned.

“Right!” Dorei shook her head. “Proverbs 14:12, There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12.” she saw the dragon wince, as if dealt a mortal blow.

The ends justify the means. Just because we use sorcery doesn't mean that it is wrong. Your OverLord just has some silly notion that He doesn't like it. We do good with our sorcery. We help people all the time.

Cenbald gritted his teeth. “Galatians 5:19-21 states, "Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God." Sorcery is about power, not about helping people. God defines good by who he is, not some silly notion.”

Fine. Your OverLord doesn't like sorcery. So what? We don't want to inherit His kingdom. We have a better kingdom.

Dorei burst out laughing. “What kingdom? The burning lake of fire and sulfur, to be tormented forever?”

This last moment of truth was enough. Strognar stumbled and fell to the ground, dead.

Kent the sorcerer stood staring in unbelief. “No, it’s not possible,” he muttered.

“You’re free,” Cenbald said gently. “Turn to the Overlord. Repent of your sins.”

“It’s not possible,” Kent continued to mutter. Most of the sounds he was making were incoherent. Dorei and Rumbald retrieved the babies from the subdued goblins.

“Perhaps he needs some counselling,” Gundo said. “Let’s take him to that Salt Warrior in Safety’s End.”

“Good idea,” the rest agreed.

Sarah, Ralph, and Gentle cheered. “We got to help on an adventure! It’s been fun! See you guys later!” They bounded off into the woods to find new homes.

As the team exited the cottage, an owl swooped down to a tree branch nearby and offered to guide them to a nearby Hollow Tree. Lucille wanted to go to the Liberated Land by way of her hut. She was hesitant about "Wearing these old rags for such a trip."

“We come just as we are,” Dorei advised. “You’re fine. Come on. The Overlord will provide.”

After passing through the Hollow Tree, the team found the parents of the children anxiously waiting for them. They were overjoyed to have their children returned to them, and overwhelmed the team with thankfulness. Once the reunion was over, they all turned to hike back to Ras Telesar.



Tales from Talania

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