Tales from Talania
Homemade Adventures
We are actively making our own adventures. After a time (once I had learned enough to be able to share tips), I invited my players into the Adventure Master business, as a form of leadership training in their personal discipleship. I coach them through adventure design, let their creativity flourish, we play through the adventure, then give feedback about how they did as AM.
It is our grand ambition to share our adventures with the world as usable guidebooks. We are still learning, so the adventures will be of different qualities, as we go about learning how to use this great teaching tool.
The adventures can be found in the official Lightraiders Discord Server, under "lightraider-fan-adventures"

Dad's Adventures

The Return to the Heinous Heights (ideas)
We felt like we had unfinished business in Thuella's Domain after the Rescue of the Sacred Scrolls.
I haven't fleshed these ideas out into a full adventure, but what I have might still inspire others.
Thoughts on returning to Thuella's domain.
The Sanna Valley Raid
This raid was a major campaign, centered on the Doctrine of Christ. We completed it in 22 game sessions.
Tunnel Vision
A lost little girl praying for help. Sheep, wolves, a strange new Dark Creature. This one is about anger. We completed this in 4 play sessions.
Ras Telesar
What happens between missions? This guidebook acts as our Campaign hub when Lightraiders are back home after a mission.
Includes some of our house rules.
Swept Into Darkness
A grieving widow kidnapped by skeletons! This Mini-Adventure is about how to respond to the grief of others.
Dragon Battle Tutorial
A team of Potentials encounters a Fledgling Dragon!
This Mini-Adventure is about demons. The adventure is designed to train new Adventure Masters in running dragon encounters, and can also be used to upgrade new characters if the players are already familiar with the Lightraider Test.
Player 1's Adventures

Sarkon's Trap
A troll obsessed with Liberated Land currency. What will lure Lightraiders to his den? A captured Aladoth family, of course. This one-session mini mission is about patience.
Shimo Island
It's cold on the frost islands. But love for the Rescuer compels the team to share with anyone who will listen. This mission is about faithfulness. We completed it in 2 play sessions.
Aral Island
A typical mission in a tropical location. Find the person who needs to hear the Great Rescue, destroy the main source of evil... but wait, this source of evil isn't typical!
This mini mission is about Self Control and Vanity. We completed it in one play session.
Sahra Island
Lightraiders are sent to a desert island to find a captive and bring him back. Where could he be when all they can see is sand?
This mini mission is about perseverance. We completed it in one play session.
Quagmire Rescue
Lightraiders are sent to find a lost colony of Gnomes. But what heresies has this ancient colony fallen into?

Player 2's Adventures
Bahanen Islands Adventure #1
Grims have enslaved an entire village! This mission touches on concepts such as regret, revenge and forgiveness. How do we respond to those who wrong us? It took us 4 sessions to play through.
Bahanen Islands Adventure #2
Orcs have returned to the island. But when the Lightraiders arrive, the Hollow Tree is not available to return home. How will they get off the island? We completed this in one long play session.
Bahanen Islands Adventure #3
The Lightraiders are sent to deal with a Granog who is corrupting merchants in the village. But the people are behaving strangely in ways that aren't just from Granog enchantments.
This one-session mission is about peer pressure.

Player 3's Adventures
Castle Trespass
Spies report that a certain dragon is away on a journey. Now is the chance for a team of LightRaiders to rescue a prisoner who has been there for a long time.
(coming soon)
coming soon
(coming soon)
coming soon
Player 4's Adventures
Bahanen Islands 2.5 Bonus Adventure
Lightraiders arrive at a very small island. A fellow Lightraider has been living under a sin enchantment here for years.
(Guidebook to come)
Highland Forest Cave Raid
Rumours of a new kind of dark creature have been coming from the Highland Forest. A team of Lightraiders is sent to investigate.
(coming soon)
coming soon
Helpful Links
Light Raider Academy This is the official page for all things Light Raiders.
DragonRaid Wiki. Here's a Fandom page of all things DragonRaid.
Hextml. This is the free tool we're using to create many of our maps.
Donjon. This site has a number of random generators. I use the random weather generator during a campaign, as well as the random name generator, the random town and dungeon generators while designing missions, and the calendar tool.
DragonRaid Inn. This is a fan page I found that has tons of helpful tips and extra rules
Fans of DragonRaid facebook page. For those social media folks
We Draw Animals. This is useful for an AM for simple drawings of animals, like lions and bears. I used the instructions to hand draw animal tokens for our Lion Warrior and Bear Knight, and their art is on my extra NPC counters.