Tales from Talania

Dark Creature Catalogue
Additional Dark Creatures
The original vintage game comes with descriptions for 16 Dark Creatures, along with 9 dragon families.
As our characters grew stronger, we found they needed new challenges.
The original Dark Creatures in the game are: Cave Spider, Fluster Beast, Gall Buzzard, Giant, Goblin, Golden Calf, Greedo/Granog, Grim, Mound Orc, Muk, Selfoe, Skeleton, Cave Troll, Forest Troll, Water Troll and Wood Sprite.
The dragon families are Crystal Dragons, Gaze Dragons, Fluorescent Dragons, Firedrakes, Dream Dragons, Slime Dragons, Shadow Dragons, Sea Serpents and Rainbow Dragons.
Below we present all the other Dark Creatures that have been spotted in the Dragon Lands during our adventures...
Tweak (Gremlin)

No. Appearing: d8+3
Size: 1'
Battle Ability: 5
Vitality: 20
Enchantment: Better!
Strength Attacked: WIS
Strength Damaged: PE
Passed by: Touch of item
Physical Attacks: d8 Tools
Sometimes carry sleeping powder to knock out night watches so they can tweak equipment in a camp.
These creatures skulk around at night. If they find equipment or weapons, it will fascinate them, and they will try to “tweak” it with their tools. Use the table below, and/or feel free to creatively come up with your own “tweaks.” The more complicated the equipment, the more it will attract them.
Tweak Effect Table (d10 Starlot roll)
1 Bad Malfunction (Blade fires off on a spring, leaving PC defenseless)
2 Humorous Malfunction (Rings like an alarm clock upon striking armor)
3 Bizarre Malfunction (Blade spins about like whirligig, no other change)
4 Useless Malfunction (Sword changes color at midnight,
different colour every day of the week)
5 Neutral Effect (Emits a pleasant pine scent)
6 Neutral Effect (High pitched hum during battle that only dogs can hear)
7 Neutral Effect (No visible change, roll again once a day for a week)
8 Neutral Effect (No change at all)
9 Improvement (Sword becomes Teflon(tm) and never needs sharpening)
10 Serious Improvement (Sword hits with a +2 bonus to hit and damage)
If Lightraiders use Tweaked equipment or weapons, they must roll against the Better! sin enchantment. Characters will become obsessed with trying to further tweak their weapons or equipment.
Credits: Based on a Dark Creature from the DragonRaid Inn.

Cheetaurs look bold and frightening (except lesser cheetaurs, which look like large house cats), but on the inside they are scaredy-cats. If a single point of damage is inflicted upon them, they will bolt off in fear. Their greatest strength is speed, able to move five spaces in a battle round. If it is attempting to turn, it will move only three. If it goes fifteen squares straight, its speed increases by one speed as long as it is still moving forward. Because of this, it can quickly evade an enemy and elude pursuit. Cheetaurs can also charge attack at 4 squares away.
Lesser Cheetaur
BA: 3
PV: 12
DA: 1d4
TE: 5
EE: 20
Normal Cheetaur
BA: 11
PV: 34
DA: 2d8 or 1d12
TE: 9
EE: 12
Great Cheetaur
BA: 19
PV: 72
DA: 2d10+4
TE: 19
EE: 8
Sin enchantment: The scaredy-cat sin enchantment tests courage and damages faithfulness. The enchanted person will bolt off at the first sign of danger. Animals that are not brown bears also have to check against the sin enchantment roll, especially if they could be prey for the cheetaurs.
(Credits: art and idea adapted from Sierra's Quest for Glory I)
Shape Shifter
Appearance: no one knows their natural form. They take on the form of others to spread their enchantment.
BA 8,
PV 30,
Damage: is in accordance with their weapon. (They will often acquire weapons to copy those they are imitating. For example, if they have taken on the form of a Lightraider who wields a sword and sling, they will also acquire a sword and sling to match.) If unarmed, SL +2 for nails and bites.
Sin Enchantment: Peer Pressure vs. FA.
They spread the peer pressure sin enchantment by physically touching a target (often in subtle ways, like brushing past in a crowded area), which makes a person not take responsibility and start copying others. They will stop making decisions on their own, and will go along with the group, often imitating another player.
BWS: 8
ST: 7
VIS: 10
Credits: based on a Dark Creature from the DragonRaid Inn

Bad breath of minotaur: roll for sin enchantment vs. GE (damage GE).
Minotaur strategy: Enjoys stalking prey. Minotaur gets advantage (strikes first) since he knows the maze very well. Will strike once (Lightraider has chance to respond), then will withdraw. Will not attempt critical hits in these situations.
PE check after Minotaur withdraws. If fail, PC panics and get lost again
Will not withdraw if there are 4 or more team members present. Might attempt critical hits if near death.
Size: 7′
Move: 2/4/-
Carry: 200
Sense Evil DL: 5
Courage DL: 6
Battle Ability: 18
Attack: 18
Defense: 18
Damage: 2SSt+3 axe, bite, gore (character thrown), or hand to hand if disarmed.
Physical Vitality: 82
Sin Enchantment: Bullhead
Passed by: Breath
Strength Attacked: PA
Strength Damaged: PA
Special: ST 10
Minotaurs have the heads of bulls and the bodies of men. They usually inhabit deserted castles, caves, or even thick, dark forests. These creatures are usually very mean, but also very lonely. They like to talk, and will sometimes ally themselves with a group of people for some task. But, the minotaur will want everyone to do things “the right way”, his way. They will be very stubborn in order to get their way, because, after all, it is the best way. Even if it is obviously the wrong thing to do, the minotaur will stick to his plan.
Minotaurs are very strong and aggressive, they will not hesitate to start a fight if crossed. They prefer a battle axe, but will use a sword at times. They tend to snort when getting angry, and this snorting can produce a cloud of foul smelling breath. Minotaur bad breath transfers the Bullhead sin enchantment which causes victims to want their own way. This stubborness can be wrapped in logical or empassioned arguments, anything in order to get the victim’s way. This enchantment can quickly cause division and even chaos in a raid team, so beware!
Cacus Troll

(Fire breathing troll)
Usually found in caves.
Cacus Trolls are jealous of anything. Your clothes, your hair style, your amazing teeth, your shiny weapons.
Sin Enchantment: Jealousy vs. PE. The Cacus Troll jealousy sin enchantment is passed on to PCs by hearing their envy.
PV: 45
BA: 18 (when using hand to hand or other weapons it may have) dmg 2SSt
Weapon: Fire breath (same as Dragon Fire Weapon). Fire attack ability: 12 (12 SSt, but reduce by SF rating of target)
Defense: immune to fire or heat damage.
Can also use other weapons or armour it may have acquired in jealousy. (For example, if you find a Cacus Troll living among orcs, it will probably have orc armament handy)
Erythian Ogre

Three heads, Six muscular arms, each with a different weapon. Wears full plate armour, including helmets.
(6 possible strike actions when attacking up to three targets at once)
Sin enchantment: minimalist. Puts forth very little effort. Although capable of so much more, it will only start by fighting with one weapon. Maybe even with half swings.
Spreads sin enchantment when Lightraiders have observed it not putting forth its full effort. Infected Lightraiders will only use half swings and will only participate with minimal effort in group activities.
Sin enchantment VS. GO DL 8
Refute or rescue with Proverbs about laziness (6:11, 24:33-34, etc)
PV: 100
PF: 100
BA: 30 (for each arm used!)
Attack: can use up to six arms at the same time, but will probably start with only one arm and using half swings. Might up the ante if it feels it is in danger.
Defense: BA +4 due to large shield, BA +4 due to armour
Damage : (can use 1d6 to choose weapon, or choose strategically for ogre based on situation)
1. Club (melee 1-10)
2. Large Shield (melee bash 1-5)
3. Mace (melee- 1-10)
4. Whip (range- 15' 1-5, or disarm opponent, flinging their weapon away)
5. Throwing stars (range 60', 1-5)
6. Hand to hand/ grapple (melee 1-10)

9-10 feet tall. These ugly creatures are of giant kin, and are similar in size to trolls. They can be found alone, or living in small colonies. They prefer to eat sheep, so can often be found near pasture land.
Lazy enchantment vs. GO. Enchanted Lightraiders will want to sit and relax while everyone else does the work.
Armament: Javelin, cudgel, or uprooted trees
Battle Ability: 18
Damage: 3SSt -2
Physical Vitality: 55
Idea: my own
Art from https://www.drawingforall.net/

9-10 feet tall. A one eyed giant. The Cyclops tends to focus on only one thing at a time (tunnel vision)
Typical occupations: Shepherds, Blacksmiths.
Quick to anger enchantment vs. SC, (causing Lightraiders to get angry at everything) or Tunnel Vision enchantment vs. SC (causing Lightraiders to fixate on insignificant details). Damages PE.
Armament: Boulders, clubs or uprooted trees
Battle Ability: 18
Damage: 3SSt -2
Physical Vitality: 55
Idea: my own
Art from https://www.drawingforall.net/

Barrow Wight
A Barrow Wights are undead (similar to a skeleton, but stronger). An evil spirit is animating a dead body using dragon power.
Size: Humanoid
Battle Ability: 8
Personal Vitality: 34
Enchantment: Terror (enchanted LightRaiders will be “frozen with fear” and not do anything. They will defend themselves if directly attacked, however).
Strength Attacked: CO
Strength Damaged: PE
Passed by: Each Touch
Physical Attacks: 1 Sst Claw
Special notes: The evil spirit is still present after the PV of the Barrow-Wight has been drained. The evil spirit can only be banished by prayer. Helmet of Salvation check at Sst DL by the one rebuking the spirit in order to succeed. (Will not work if the Barrow-Wight still has PV). If banishment is unsuccessful, or the LightRaiders do not take appropriate action after AM has informed them that they still feel the presence of the evil spirit, then it will move to a dead skeleton (or even the same BarrowWight body): make the skeleton stand back up and they have to fight it again before trying to banish it again.
Ideas: Adapted from Tolkien's Fellowship of the Ring, and DragonRaid Inn
Art by Chris Johnstone http://www.1km1kt.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2938
No. Appearing: d64
Size: 2'
Battle Ability: 5
Vitality: 10
Enchantment: Apathy
Strength Attacked: JO
Strength Damaged: JO (& ST)
Passed by: Life-Leech
Physical Attacks: d6 Bite
Special Attack: None
These wispy, dark creatures were created by the Dragons to sap the vitality of LightRaiders. They are found only underground in forsaken, dark areas. In torchlight or dimmer, they appear to be only shadows on the hallway walls. If the party has a lantern going, a VIS check at DL 5 will reveal the shades as shimmering patches of dark, kind of like "heat mirages" on pavement. If a NightLight WordRune is going, a VIS check at DL 1 will clearly show the shades.
In less than Rune light, the shades always gain surprise, striking in silence. If they score a hit, they latch on behind the Raider's neck and suck -1 STrength point and -1 MU of JOy per round. A successful SF Save will prevent the JO damage (but not the ST damage.) Failure to SF save means that the victim is unaware of an attack, and should only be told by the AM that he/she feels "real tired." (Hand a note that the PC should role-play apathy and gloom.) When a victim's ST falls to 1, the Raider will collapse to the ground, and the shade will move to another Raider...if no other Raiders are available, it will begin eating PV points until all are dead.
If the Raider DOES SF save on the first successful attack, the PC knows that something is attacking. A feeding shade will begin to appear as a dark glimmer with a general outline of the Raider's face upon it. If fighting the insubstantial creature in lantern-light or dimmer, all attacks on a latched-on shade are done at -3 on the attack, and a swing that misses means the attacking player must beat an AG check at DL 5 or strike the Raider being drained. If under Rune light, the shades may be battled normally once it is known that the party is under attack.
A Glory Vision TeamRune or any light-related WordRune above DL level will slay them. Any WordRune that prevents hand-attacks will render them harmless. Silvered, Holy, or Blessed weapons are needed to hit at all, with silvered weapons doing 1/2 damage.
ST points will return to normal after 8 hours of sleep, or may be restored by standard Rescue that deals with strength and endurance. (2 Thessalonians 3:13 "But you, brothers, must not get tired of doing good!")
Adapted from the Dragon Raid Inn
No. Appearing: 1
Size: 6' to 7'
Battle Ability: 14
Vitality: 50 (regains 3PV per round if injured)
Enchantment: 2d8 DL Grave
Strength Attacked: HO
Strength Damaged: PE
Passed by: Each Touch
Physical Attacks: 1 d8+5 Bash
Special Attack: Mindspeech Charm
After they die, devoted dragon worshipers can be animated by dragons as vampires. It may be used as a two-way communications unit for the Dragon controlling it.
This most powerful undead is very fragile in some ways. It cannot stand the light of day, for like all of Shaitan's lies, it will not survive in the Light of the OverLord. Above ground, it will rest during the daytime in a light-tight box, greatly resembling a coffin. Below ground it is almost always active, found "in storage" only 10% of the time. The creature does a massive d8+5 per hit of its strong arms, and it's touch casts a 2d8 DL Grave enchantment against Hope with damage to PEace. When the first PC is successfully damaged by the enchantment, he/she will bolt and run into the night. All remaining PC's must make a CO check (+1 bonus per non-charmed member of the party) at DL 6 or beat a terrified retreat.
As a alternative to battle, once during the encounter the vampire may attempt to charm one or more of the party. He will mind-speak to the entire party some horrible lie at DL 6. This exactly matches the Dragon ability of MindSpeech...the player may repel the attack with Scripture-based arguments, which if successful will do two times BT to the creatures PV points. Note that if the Dragon running the show is "online" at the time of the rebuke, Mr. Dark-and-Scaly takes matching damage, and boy, is HE going to be gunning for the party at a later date. As with Dragon MindSpeech, a Raider with WIS of 8 or better may rebuke twice if he can recall two rebukes.
Those who can't rebuke and fail the attack are considered to be charmed and in the power of the vampire. He cannot compel these charmed ones to slay their fellows, but they will willingly hand-fight with fists and try to restrain the free ones. PC's may attempt to break the enchantment in the following round with Rescue (AM to decide if this is successful). OnceBorn charmed in this fashion by some pretty lie will willingly allow the creature to suck 2 PV of blood per round until they are dead. (The blood is needed to keep the walking lie operating...as John Parker would say, "it's a very bad design.")
A mirror will hold the vampire at bay, as it reminds the false creature that it is only a pawn and a lie. If reduced to 20 PV or less, the vampire will polymorph into a bat to escape, and may be killed with a silvered, blessed or Holy missile-weapons while in this form. Of course, for purists, a wooden stake driven through the heart will damage the delicate mechanisms that drive the dark lie and blast it to dust and decay.
Upon reaching 0 or under, if in bat form, the creature will re-shift into it's humanoid vampire shape. The vampire regenerates 3 PV a round, so if brought deep enough before the shift, the party may have time for an automatic staking...if not, this requires both a successful "stab" with a sharp stake (successful Hand-to-Hand attack vs. BA 14, doing d10 +3 upon hit) and two successful AG checks vs. DL6 to drive the stake home.) Also acceptable is a successful wooden crossbow bolt hit, rolled with a natural 10 on a d10. Either of these two "stake" attacks will instantly kill the creature.
If a person was lunch at the start of melee, there is a 2 PV of blood loss per round until direct pressure or Heal is applied. A Renewer may close the wound with a standard Heal Rune, and the victim must have further Heals or rest until brought up to full PV.
If a victim is successfully rescued, there will be trouble trying to return him/her to their loved ones, who will view the person as a potential vampire. (No one bit by a vampire really becomes a vampire, but if a dead victim's body was not blessed, the Dragons may animate it as well and attempt to perpetuate the lie of the vampire. TwiceBorn do not need to be blessed, their bodies cannot be animated.)
Adapted from the Dragon Raid Inn
One of the ways we've "spiced up" our Dark Creatures is by occasionally creating hybrids. We mix two creatures together to create a new creature.
Orc / Grim Hybrid
Appearance: looks like a short orc. Strong, and can throw far.
Armament: Shield and throwing spears.
BA 5 (+3 on defense due to shield)
PV 16
Dmg: SSt
Sin Enchantments: The Orc-Grim Hybrid has special spears, some with green load stones, others with red stones. If a player character is hit with a red tipped spear, they must roll LO against the orc revenge sin enchantment. If they are hit with a green tipped spear, they must roll KI against the grim's Burden enchantment.
Forest Troll / Cave Troll Hybrid
Armament : Large Battle Axe
BA 12
PV 39
Damage is Shadow Stone +5
Smokes cigars like a Forest Troll, but also hoards things like a cave troll, so can infect Lightraiders with either the Owning Things Sin Enchantment or the Power Hungry Sin Enchantment. These brutes are seen as powerful leaders, and are often the Chiefs of a clan of normal trolls.
Orc Variations
One of the first ways we increased the difficulty level of orcs is to add new types of orcs
Orc Chieftain
Armament : Scimitar with Shield
BA 12 (+2 on defense rolls)
PV 32
Damage: 2SSt +4
Sin Enchantment: Revenge vs. LO
Berserker Orc
Armament: Dual Scimitars (no shields, but wearing battle armour)
BA 8 (and they hit twice in a battle round, since they are wielding two swords); +1 on Defense rolls due to armour
ST 6
AG 7
PV 20
Damage: 2SSt -3
Sin Enchantment: Revenge vs. LO
Other: Attempts criticals.
These large orcs have been specially trained by dragons to wield double large scimitars. These orcs are stronger than regular orcs. These orcs also wear armour to be able to protect themself and give long range weapons -1 damage.
Berserker Chieftain
This foul creature has four arms, and each is holding a Scimitar!
BA: 12 (+3 on defense due to Battle Armour), able to strike 4 times in a battle round.
ST: 8
AG: 7
PV: 30
Damage: 4 SSt -6
Sin Enchantment: Can give a menacing laugh (PE check D8 Failure= -1 PE mu, and frozen in fear for a round, inflicts the Terror sin enchantment.)
Other: Attempts criticals. Can also attempt to disarm.
One would wonder if this is even an orc because they have four arms and it is almost the size of a cave troll. It is well trained and it can wield 4 large scimitars, one in each arm. If hit by a range weapon, -3 from damage (negative damage actually boosts his morale, giving more PV). It can also do a very evil laugh, although he would not do it if he had no reason to. This laugh is SO menacing, that Lightraiders require a peace check in order to attack the next round.
Mounted Orc (Wolf or Bear)
This is a regular orc, riding either a wolf or bear into battle. They can use a bow as a range weapon, or use a sword for close combat. The animal is able to attack as well.
BA: Orc: 6; Wolf: 6; Bear: 12
PV: Orc: 15; Wolf: 15; Bear: 40
Damage: Orc: 2d8 +2 (sword or bow); Wolf: 1d8 (claws, bite); Bear: 2d10 (claws, bite)
Sin Enchantment: Revenge vs. LO, as per regular orcs
​Wolf can charge 15 ft. in a straight line and attack in same battle round.
​Wolf can "howl," causing Aladoth to try to run away. Lightraiders to pass a CO DL2 to stand their ground. This is reduced to DL1 if there is a Wolf Soldier in the team.
Bear can charge 10ft. in a straight line and attack in same battle round.
Bear looks daunting. Aladoth will try to run away after seeing it. Lightraiders to pass CO DL3 to stand their ground. This is reduced to DL1 if there is a Bear Knight on the team.
If rider is knocked off or killed, AM to decide if the animal continues to be hostile, tries to get away (Freedom!), or simply stops, waiting for another rider.