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Lore and House Rules

Stuff I Made Up

DragonRaid left a lot of room for creative input from Adventure Masters. 

I present here the Lore of Talania that we made up, which is often matched to House Rules, as it influences how we play the game.

And everything here is just that: house rules and stuff I made up.  It carries little to no authority on the official version of the game as published by Lightraiders.  If you like some ideas, feel free to use them (that is one of the reasons I am sharing them here!).  If they inspire other ideas, feel free to make your own house rules. 



Ability Specific XP

Battling the Elements



When we started our first major homemade campaign (the Sanna Valley Raid), I found it desirable to keep track of time and the passing of the seasons. 

Within the official DragonRaid documentation, we learn that there is a sun, and three moons: Phanos, Tsapha and Muluno.  Except Muluno only shows up rarely to make eclipses. 


So I made up the rest of the calendar.  I decided on 10 months of 34 days each.  Each year starts with the Spring Equinox, and each season lasts 85 days, or 2.5 months. 

I gave Phanos a 14 day cycle, and Tsapha a 22 day cycle. 

Since I'm interested in learning Korean, I used the Korean names for the months to help me learn.  So the 10 months are:

Irwol, Iwol, Samwol, Sawol, Owol, Yuwol, Chirwol, Parwol, Guwol, and Siwol.

I kept a seven day week, but named the days of the week after the numbers 1-7 in Hebrew: Akhat, Shta'im, Shalosh, Arba, Khamesh, Shesh and Sheva. 


I used two free tools to help me. 
The first is

You can copy and paste this data into the "Save/Restore" section to use the same calendar:

This calendar doesn't include month or day names, but I like that it includes astral events like solstices and equinoxes, comets, meteor showers, etc.  These things can have an effect on the game when you have superstitious Aladoth!


The second tool is from Fantasy Calendar, and you can use this link to see my calendar (this one doesn't show astral events like solstices and equinoxes, but it includes month and day names, as well as moon phases and local weather conditions, which I officially interpret as the weather at Ras Telesar in the Liberated Lands).  I print off this version of the calendar for our games, and pencil in astral events from the donjon calendar.


Note: I ignored Muluno on both calendars, since you usually don't see it.  AMs can decide when the Scarlet Moon happens (see Rescue of the Sacred Scrolls from the vintage Dragon Raid game). 

Ability Specific XP

1. Ability Specific Experience Points (xp)

In the mini-adventure Cold Flame, the idea of the experience point (xp) was introduced, allowing characters to improve their strength and agility.  (Sign up for the official Lightraiders newsletter at to gain access to the official mini adventures)

This house rule expands on this concept and introduces the idea of gaining Ability Specific XP. When players first roll up a character, they need to choose three weapons and three special abilities. New weapons may be discovered that no one knows how to use. Swimming is learnable. This rule allows characters to gain skill in areas they did not originally train in.

a. For Other Optional Abilities

  • Calculate the other optional abilities not chosen by the player. These become potential ratings. The character still only has Level 1 in each of these abilities.

  • As characters perform, pass DL checks, or receive training in the abilities, they gain an ability specific Experience Point.

  • For every 20 XP, the character’s ability raises by one.

  • If a player increases their core strengths, their original 3 abilities will index up with their strengths, but any other optional ability only has the potential to index upwards, even if they had trained to a maximum level.

For example, a character’s special abilities might be Hatred of Evil, Merciful Compassion and Talk With Locals. This automatically makes other abilities like Water Movement a Level 1.

First, calculate what their water movement ability could be according to the formulas in the handbook. For example, it might be a 6. They have a potential of working up to WM level 6. Their current WM ability becomes 1 of 6.

Every time they pass a water movement check, they gain a water movement xp point. Once they gain 20 WM xp, their WM ability raises from 1 to 2. As they continue to gain experience, they can work up to their character’s potential of 6.

If they attain WM 6 one day, but their core strengths are raised, changing the WM calculation to 7, their current WM remains at 6, and needs to be trained to Level 7. (while the original abilities of HE, MC and TL index up automatically).


b. For Other Weapons

  • Similarly, players choose 3 weapons for their characters to wield. These weapons are the weapons they received training in during their time at the academy. These weapons will index upward automatically as core strengths improve.

  • If characters come across new weapons, they are unfamiliar with them, and the weapon ability is 1 if they use them.

  • As characters practice with new weapons, they gain weapon specific xp. For every 20xp, the weapon ability increases by one.

    • For example: A character’s weapons are hand-to-hand combat, sling, and sword. They acquire a spear during their adventures. Their spear ability is automatically 1, since they are untrained.

    • Calculate their potential spear ability using the formulas in the Lightraider Handbook.

    • If they use the spear in battle, practice during their off-time, and/or receive instruction from trained users, they gain spear specific xp points.

    • After their first 20xp, their spear ability raises from 1 to 2. And so on, until they’ve reached their maximum potential for that weapon.

  • Recommendation: At the beginning of a mission, ask players to choose which weapons they are bringing with them, and limit it to three. Any other weapons they might have they can leave in their barracks room at Ras Telesar.

Battling the Elements

Water and Dehydration


Each Lightraider carries a standard issue water canteen.


Each canteen contains 16 doses of water.


During normal times, a Lightraider drinks 1 dose of water every tick that they are awake.


In exceptionally hot weather (like in a desert setting), a Lightraider drinks 2 doses of water every tick.


If a Raid Team is in a context where they are likely to find forest streams or town fountains, etc, often, it is not necessary to track this. But when they are out in a desert, it suddenly becomes very important!




If Lightraiders do not have sufficient water to drink during a tick, they start on the Dehydration Scale. Any affected characters must do endurance checks (once per tick, or as often as AM decides), and increase the DL of all skill checks in accordance with how long they have been dehydrated.












If a character fails an endurance check, they do not want to travel. They will want to rest. If they pass, they are okay to travel. As dehydration continues, the character will travel slower.


Penalties: for example, a normal Vision check on DL 3 with a penalty of 3 becomes DL 6.



For a character to recover from Dehydration Levels, they need to rest and find a source of water.

If they drink the normal dose required (1 dose of water in normal conditions and 2 doses in really hot weather), they neither move up nor down on the dehydration scale. If they drink double doses for the required number of ticks, they recover back to normal.



Hypothermia is a medical emergency, where one’s body is losing heat faster than it can be produced. The signs and symptoms of the three different stages of hypothermia are:

  • First stage: shivering, reduced circulation;

  • Second stage: slow, weak pulse, slowed breathing, lack of co-ordination, irritability, confusion and sleepy behaviour;

  • Advanced stage: slow, weak or absent respiration and pulse. The person may lose consciousness.


After a battle or incident in cold water, inform any “wet” players that their characters are shivering. (This is the first stage of hypothermia. Increase the Difficulty Level for that character on any movement based checks, including fighting). You can adjust this even further if your weather conditions have a cold wind, or it is colder than normal. The correct response you are looking for is for them to light a fire and change into their dry clothes from their bag (spend a tick to get everyone back to normal).

If they take no action during the first stage of hypothermia, one tick later, move on to stage 2. All movement based abilities will have a +2 DL, and all thinking based abilities (like knowledge) will have DL +1. Check EN at DL 3 to travel. Increase DL if weather is colder than normal.

If they continue to ignore the problem, or it gets worse, increase all DLs by 1 again during the next tick, and cause one of the characters to pass out. Do this again every tick until they stop and deal with it, or everyone has passed out.

If everyone ends up passing out, use your judgment to get them up and running again, depending on the context. Perhaps they wake up to see a roaring fire being tended by the Rescuer, or a unicorn, or an Aladoth passer-by who decided to be a Good Samaritan. Perhaps they are right where they passed out, or perhaps someone moved them, and they have no idea where they are. Perhaps stuff was stolen, or perhaps all their gear is fine.

Dehydration chart.png

Special Items

Special Items

Special items are gifts from the Overlord that have been blessed in such a way as to help the Raid Team and give Him glory.


Special Items from Published games


The Lightraider Test:

Raid Tablets.  Different colored pills that grant temporary abilities to characters.  All effects wear off at midnight

Purple: Healing +5PV
Orange: +3 damage with weapon

Yellow: Vision; -3 from DL on Vision checks

Black: Quickness; 2 attacks per round (if you have more than one pill, then you are too nervous and highstrung and become useless)

White: invisible

Green: Hearing; -3 from DL on Listening checks

Red: A golden bow appears with 3 arrows (silver shaft with golden points and feathers).  Damage is SL*2. 

Blue: (House rule): Silence. +3 to Quiet Movement.


Rescue of the Sacred Scrolls

(nothing in particular)


The Moonbridge Raid

-Psalm 71:5 Pendant.  The wearer of this pendant can read the inscription and gain one point of Hope for one encounter.  May be used once a day.

-Psalm 37:24 Staff.  This ornate staff exempts a character from making Agility checks on Skeleton island.

-Colossians 1:27 Ring.  If a player explains this verse in his own words when encountering skeletons on Skeleton Island, they will be immune to the Despair Enchantment (House Rule: player recites rather than explains verse, and it works against all skeletons, not just on Skeleton Island)


House Rules: Special Items we made up


Sword of Goliath This two handed broad-sword requires a strength of 7 to wield.  Grants +2 damage against giant-kin



Sword of Goliath.png

Jawbone of Whacking: This special donkey's jawbone can be used as a melee weapon by a character with a Courage of at least 6.  The jawbone causes 1-5 damage, but if the strike is successful, the character may strike again as part of the same attack, (up to a max of the user's AG ability). 



Jawbone of Whacking.png

Tales from Talania

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