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The Rescue of the Elves

Writer: Zachariah KenneyZachariah Kenney

Format: On Rails

Theme: Apologetics

Author: Nickolis Kenney

Adventure Master: Nickolis Kenney, leading his 4th mission

Date in Real Life: Wednesday August 16th, 2023

In Game Day: Shalosh, the 22nd of Owol (early summer, about 3 weeks after Sorcerer’s Apprentice)

Player Characters:

  • Dorei the Cadet, on her 5th mission.

  • Gundo the Cadet, on his 6th mission.

  • Rumbald the Cadet, on his 5th mission.

  • Norvin the Cadet, on his 4th mission.

The team was dispatched at night to rescue Elves. They stepped out of a hollow tree into a grassy field. A castle could be seen in the distance. They knew they had to deal with the resident dragon first, so they headed towards the castle.

A Shadow Dragon swooped out of the castle and attacked them with Mind Speech. They said WordRunes to increase their Belt of Truth ratings. Eventually the dragon fell, dead, and the castle crumbled. Orcs and Goblins scattered from the ruins.

The team shot at a couple of the dark creatures and said the Master of All WordRune to get rid of several. Then they turned and ran away into the grassy field.

They found a sink hole that led to underground caverns. They explored the caverns, eventually arriving at a locked door. They couldn’t force the door, and the Overlord did not answer their prayers for opening the door. It was locked. Norvin asked the others about the key they said they found at Sorcerer Kent’s house (Sorcerer’s Apprentice mission). Gundo had it, and pulled it out. It fit the lock!

The team explored more tunnels. They fell into a pit. Eventually a person came along, introducing himself as Rumpelstiltskin. He helped them out and led them to the elves, about 150 of them. The team explained how the OverLord had sent them to rescue the elf colony. The elves were delighted to hear this news, having been trapped by the dragon for hundreds of years. They made their way to the surface, killing any orcs they encountered.

As they were evacuating through the hollow tree, three humans came up dressed in orc clothing. They explained they were escaping from the orcs. Gundo shared the Great Rescue with them, and they accepted the Overlord. It was a father, a mother and a child. They all went through the Hollow Tree and back to the Liberated Lands. The mother was pregnant and about to give birth, so she was rushed to the infirmary at Ras Telesar.

The elves were settled into the forest to make a new home.



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