Format: On rails, sandbox
Theme: Not relying on material goods
Author: Player 2
Adventure Master: Player 2 (“Edward”), leading his 8th mission.
Date in Real Life: Saturday August 12th, 2023
In Game Day: Sheva, the 19th of Owol (early summer, two days after Bahanen Islands 7)
Player Characters:
Starflower the Lion Warrior with Regulus the Lion, on her 30th mission.
William the Bear Knight with Bill the Bear, on his 33rd mission.
Philip the Overlord’s Guard, on his 31st mission.
Hector the Renewer, on his 19th mission.
(Image source: Blizzard entertainment; World of Warcraft)
Team dispatched back to Bahanen Islands with Maria to locate and rescue other members of the reconnaissance team.
Orc camp set up around Hollow Tree (now that they know where it is). Team didn’t even have time to react before they were hit with sleeping powder.
The awoke in a dungeon. Maria was missing, along with all of their equipment. Salvatore from the Reconnaissance team was in the dungeon with them. They grabbed the guard and knocked him out through the bars, and used his key to escape. They fought several orcs in the corridors, some orcs carrying their stuff. Hector prayed, and felt the Overlord telling him that Maria was not in the caves, so not to bother looking for her.
One orc was making notes in a “Guiness book of Lightraider records”. They slew his team of 14 orcs in record time, then took him out. He was also carrying a pouch that he was speaking into and hearing voices from. They team looked and it seemed to be a rock. Hector nicknamed it a Rocky-Talky and chucked it down the corridor.
Swarms of orcs came pouring in, surrounding the Lightraiders. Salvatore was able to perceive that the leader of the orcs wanted revenge against Philip for killing his relation. He suggested they have a champion vs. Champion fight. If the Lightraiders won, they could go free. The orcs agreed, and took the team to an arena. Philip was set into the arena against a six armed orc champion. The other Lightraiders were given seats and told not to physically intervene. They quietly offered up Battle Prayers to the OverLord while Philip fought the huge orc. Philip moved faster than seemed possible, and brought the big orc crashing to the ground.
An orc captain, the next in command, told the Lightraiders to leave before he changed his mind. They took off!
They found their way to the surface and then to the shore. The orc navy was practicing at the shoreline. Starflower sneaked through the forest and assassinated the orcish admiral.
Philip used his Overlord’s Guard ability to take on the appearance of a villager. He approached the orcs and persuaded them to give him a lift to the next island.
The other Lightraiders then attacked the remaining canoes. They swam out, commandeered a craft, and paddled after Philip to the next island.
As they approached the next island, Philip killed the two orc sailors, then they paddled around the island, near the Hollow Tree. They could see the orc encampment was still there, so they prayed for the Overlord to send a whirlwind to destroy the camp.
As they made landfall, a dragon flew in, and starting attacking with Mind Speech from a distance. The team refuted the lies, and prayed. The Overlord intervened, and the dragon was no longer visible. They entered the Hollow Tree and returned to the Liberated Lands.