This continues part 1 of my homemade Sanna Valley Campaign. I am working to make a shareable guidebook of this adventure for others who may want to run it.
Theme: The Doctrine of Christ
Type: Sandbox hexmap
Time for us to complete: 22 game sessions.
Player Characters:
Philip the Raid Leader: 7th mission, 4th mission as Raid Leader. Riding Johny the horse.
Starflower the Lion Warrior (with Regulus the Lion): 7th mission, 4th mission as a Lion Warrior. Riding Alogo the horse.
William the Bear Knight (with Bill the Bear): 7th mission, 4th mission as a Bear Knight. Riding Arled the horse.
Edward the Knight of the Way (Forest Specialty): 7th mission. 1st mission as a Knight of the Way. Riding Edmur the horse.
Session #6
Date in Real Life: Thursday November 11, 2021
In Game Day: morning of Khamesh the 22nd of Yuwol (4th day of mission)
After breakfast at Geoffrey’s house, the Raid team made their way to the Market. On the way, a man walking ahead of them dropped a crate, and many lizards tried to escape. The team helped him gather the lizards. They then made their way to the market. They spotted the cat, who also spotted them. Philip rashly pulled out his archery equipment, but was sternly spoken to by a guard to put the weapons away.
At the market, they visited the pawn shop, the tea shop, and the luxury goods store (where the lizards were sold). They saw the lizard trapper make his way to the Ruby Tavern. Starflower saw someone follow him, and then try to talk to him. The team chatted with the trapper later and discovered the strange person had been trying to get him to join some sort of merchant’s guild called the Chamber of Commerce.
Meanwhile, William saw the strange man pass a note to a cucumber merchant. The merchant read the note, then threw it away. Since they knew the garbage man, William was able to convince the garbage man to give them the note. It mentioned a meeting time, that night, at the “usual place”, signed “S”.
They spotted the tinkerer from last night. He mentioned he was on his way to buy some dog food. Edward bought a bag of oats for the horses. As they tried to leave the marketplace, they noticed the cat following them. Instead of going back to Geoffrey’s house, they went to the fairgrounds and started playing mini-games, while the cat watched them.
(The session ended around 10:30-11am in game time.)