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The Sanna Valley Raid: Session 5

Writer: Zachariah KenneyZachariah Kenney

This continues part 1 of my homemade Sanna Valley Campaign. I am working to make a shareable guidebook of this adventure for others who may want to run it.

Theme: The Doctrine of Christ

Type: Sandbox hexmap

Time for us to complete: 22 game sessions.

Player Characters:

Philip the Raid Leader: 7th mission, 4th mission as Raid Leader. Riding Johny the horse.

Starflower the Lion Warrior (with Regulus the Lion): 7th mission, 4th mission as a Lion Warrior. Riding Alogo the horse.

William the Bear Knight (with Bill the Bear): 7th mission, 4th mission as a Bear Knight. Riding Arled the horse.

Edward the Knight of the Way (Forest Specialty): 7th mission. 1st mission as a Knight of the Way. Riding Edmur the horse.

Session #5

Date in Real Life: Sunday 24 Oct 2021

In Game Day: evening of Arba the 21st of Yuwol (3rd day of mission)

After supper, the team set out into the town, leaving the horses at Geoffry’s house. They returned to a quiet market square. Some of the buildings were active. They heard an explosion from a drinking establishment. They entered, to see a perplexed man being teased by several patrons. Apparently some experiment had exploded. The man scooped up his experiment and left.

The same cat started following them again. The team made their way to the fairgrounds. There was plenty of music and food and ale around, as it was a local moon festival. They shook hands with the Lord Mayor (a couple of times). They spoke briefly with a garbage man. They found a scrap of parchment that appeared to have mathematical diagrams on it.

They decided to leave the party and headed to the south end of town, where all was quiet. There were some guards guarding buildings. They came to the Crystal Shrine, which was locked up for the night. William picked the lock, and they sneaked in. They cautiously explored the place, disgusted by the idolatry they saw. They found stairs to a basement, where they discovered a couple of offices. One of them had a key in a drawer. The key unlocked a drawer in a different room, where they found some copies of documents, including a copy of a letter from the local priest to a high priest in Othrond, explaining the situation about the crystal ball, and requesting replacements. From this clue, the team deduced that they needed to proceed to the Crystal Temple in Othrond to follow the trail.

When the team left, they tried talking to an owl who told them he had heard the word “greedo,” but had not seen one. They noticed the cat was following them again.

The team encountered the tinkerer from the bar, who told them of his attempt to build a device that could make crystals emit light on their own, by mixing them in chemicals. The team encouraged him, and he cheerfully went home, visibly in a brighter mood. They mentioned they were Lightraiders, but he seemed confused by this. After the conversation, they noticed the cat was gone.

They returned to Geoffry’s house and told him what they had experienced. He suggested the cat might be a spy, possibly working for Lexcom the Sorcerer. He cautioned them to not come to his house if the cat was with them. After asking the horses to keep an eye out for suspicious cats, the team retired to their beds for the evening.



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