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The Sanna Valley Raid: Session 3

Writer: Zachariah KenneyZachariah Kenney

This continues part 1 of my homemade Sanna Valley Campaign. I am working to make a shareable guidebook of this adventure for others who may want to run it.

Theme: The Doctrine of Christ

Type: Sandbox hexmap

Time for us to complete: 22 game sessions.

Player Characters:

Philip the Raid Leader: 7th mission, 4th mission as Raid Leader.

Starflower the Lion Warrior (with Regulus the Lion): 7th mission, 4th mission as a Lion Warrior.

William the Bear Knight (with Bill the Bear): 7th mission, 4th mission as a Bear Knight

Edward the Knight of the Way (Forest Specialty): 7th mission. 1st mission as a Knight of the Way

Session #3

Hawold: The Rescue of Alogo

Date in Real Life: Sunday, 10 Oct 2021

In Game Day: Shta’im, the 19th of Yuwol (evening) and Shalosh the 20th of Yuwol.

I had written a summary of the session in my adventure master notes. A few months later, my son (Player 2- Edward, age 13) was inspired to write, so I let him see my notes so that he could try to write the adventure in story form, filling in the gaps that I had not written. Here is his story of session 3, followed by a few more notes from myself:


“Malady, Bill and I are probably not accepted to head into town!” said Regulus, “We can just stay on the edge of the forest and I can nap, and Bill can eat to his heart’s content.”

“THEY TALK!” exclaimed Bertio.

Starflower sighed. “Yes, you can go off,”

“Bill can also go off, as long as he kills a goblin or two!” said William

“We have arrived at the town of Hawold!” said Bertio.

“It is time to say goodbye!” said Starflower as Regulus and Bill trotted off.

From the top of the south gate, I heard, “Hello Bertio, Come for another load of silver?”

“Yup,” Bertio replied.

“You also seem to have visitors, but they are allowed to pass into the town of Hawold

“I will be staying with Bertio, my job is at the mining camp” said Roge.

“We must head on!” said Philip.

“Do you even know where you are going?” I said to Philip after we were out of hearing range of Bertio.

“Oh, Mr. Knight of the Way of the forest knows where we are going,” said Philip mockingly.

“There is a map.” said William, “We are at the south end of Hawold.”

Bertio shouted from a distance, “The Ruby tavern is to the North end of town,”

“Maybe we should get a good Reconnaissance of the area!” said Starflower as she noted the sectors of Hawold on a piece of paper.

“We should look at.. Sector 21!” said Philip.


“It is a large building!” sad Philip.

“What a great small building that we can walk right into!” said William sarcastically.

“LEAVE!” said a guard.

“Hmm. All Right,” said Philip as he headed toward sector 22.


“What is this building?” said Philip.

“The Archery range...” Starflower said under her breath.

“Maybe we can check this place out later,” said William, “Archery tournament on Khamesh, the 21st of Yuwol.”

“But it is Shta’im!” I said, “That is in three days. It is also the full moon of Tsapha.” I said.

“It wold be a good time to train a bit in bows and arrows!” said Starflower.

“We do not have bows and...” I started to say. Starflower pulled out her bow and arrow. “Oh.”

“Onto the next place!” said Philip.


“We have arrived at...” said Philip.

“Whatever this sign says.” I said.

“It clearly says ‘Birthplace of Lexcom the sorcerer’” said William.


“Continue on then, be back later!” said Philip.


“I am beginning to wonder where that Ruby Tavern is!” said Starflower.

“It is right there!” I said.

“The Ruby Tavern’” William read.

The Ruby Tavern looked like a normal Tavern. It had a door, two floors, and we could hear a lot of noises through the door. Philip headed over to the door and opened it.

“Why is it always you opening the doors?” said Starflower, “You are going to get hurt one of these days!

“He already got the consequences at Thuella’s castle with the room with no floor.

“Now he is creaking the doors open and checking if there is a floor!” I mentioned.

“NoFlooraphobia,” William muttered.

“The fear of no floors...” I said under my breath.

“Guys...” Philip warned as he glared at us.

“Okay, we will actually enter the Ruby Tavern!” said Starflower.

We entered the Ruby Tavern. Many people were playing games, many people were being a little rowdy, and to the right, there was a counter where the food was ordered.

“Howdy!” said the bartender to us (guy behind counter), “what will ‘t be today?”

“What is on the menu?” said Philip.

“Foodwise, there is potato casserole, Hunk of lamb, pork stew, chicken noodle soup, and porridge. For a drink, there is ale, goat milk, or Water.”

“I think I will take Potato casserole, and goat milk.” I said.

“I will take the hunk of lamb and the chicken noodle soup and water.” said Starflower.

“I am taking just chicken noodle soup!” Said William.

“I will take some porridge and goat milk.” said Philip.

“Where are the beef dishes?” asked Starflower.

“It is illegal to kill cows around here.” said the bartender.


“How much do we pay?” Philip asked.

“Two Kobos. For all. Or half a Kobo each.” said the bartender.

“Expensive,” William muttered as he gave two Kobos.

“Are you staying for the night?” asked the bartender, “That would be another Kobo,”

“The cost of living has risen,” William muttered as he retrieved another Kobo.

“Your Room is room number eight.” said the bartender.

“Understood,” said Philip, “Off to our room!”


“YAWN! That was an uneventful night!”

“Let us go get our breakfast!” William said as he headed down to the kitchen area.

We went down the stairs.

“You are in luck, the breakfast is free!” said the bartender as we got to the counter.

“Nice,” William said.

“Just teasing, breakfast is only a peta each. It means free,” said the Bartender.

A peta does not mean that it is free. In fact, that is a bit expensive.

“Okay... Philip said as he pulled out four petas and gave it to the bartender. The bartender then put our breakfasts on the counter.

“Bacon and eggs,” I said.

We ate our breakfast.

“Where should we be going?” I asked the raid leader.

“We need to go find the stables, maybe even ask around.” said Philip, “Alogo is probably in the stables.”

“Do you know where the stables are?” said Starflower to the bartender.

“The stables? I don’t really know. The manager of the general store might know.” the bartender replied.

“And where would that be?” I asked.

“A block or two away, should be about a quarter of a tick from here, if you know where you are going.”

“Vague.” said Starflower.

“Well, let us go find the general store!” said Philip.


“There we go, the general store!” said Philip.

“Finally...” muttered William.

“That took way more than 15 minutes!” Starflower said.

Philip opened the door, saw the floor, and then walked in.

“Hello there, what may I do for ya?” asked the manager of the store.

“Do you know where the stables are?” said Philip.

“Sure do, they are just on the other side of the road, just a few houses down.” said the manager, “My name is Dick.”

“Thank you for the information,” said Philip.

Chapter 2: Alogo

“Well, here we are in the stables,” said Philip.

“Hey look, a nice cute kitty!” said Starflower.

“Yeah, never mind the cat, we can just walk in and buy the horse,” said Philip.

We entered the stables. So did the cat.

“Howdy, what can I get for you today,” asked the stable master.

Why does everybody say howdy?

“We wish to buy a horse,” said Starflower.

“A horse is a Xoch each. Do you each want one? One less Xoch if all four of you get a horse...”

“No thank you, we are looking for just the right horse. And only one.” said Starflower.

“We’re lightraiders, and we are looking for a talking horse.” blurted Philip.

“That does not compute.” said the stable master.

“PHILIP!” said Starflower, “How about we just look at the horses.”

“Take your pick,” said the stable master.

The barn cat left.

Starflower went over and whispered in each horse’s ear until she got the reply always and forever.

“I’ll take this one!” said Starflower as she held out her Xoch.

“Okay, do you want a saddle and bridle, only a Kobo each...”

“No thank you,” said Philip.

“Expensive.” William muttered.

“Have a good day!” said the stable master as we left.


Adventure Master notes for remainder of Session 3:

It turned out to be Alogo. They decided to leave town right away to return Alogo to the South-West forest.

They left town by the south gate, and made their way West, skirting the canyon forest. The team encountered an ordinary owl. Starflower used her talk with animals ability to try to learn something from the creature. The owl seemed familiar with the dragon in the area, but they didn’t get much useful information from him.

They came to a hut, and investigated for a moment. They found bones, and a diary that mentioned a many-footed menace. They deduced there must be cave spiders in the area. They came to a river, with muks along the river bank. They spent some time here, lit fires, building rope bridges, and figuring out how to cross the river without getting enchanted by the muks. Edward fell under enchantment, but was rescued.

They skirted the mountain side, and cut into the forest. There were spiders in the trees, who tried to bluff about their strength, but they did not attack the team (indeed, the team only heard one voice, and suspected there was only one spider, who was too cowardly to attack).

They penetrated deeper into the forest and arrived at the camp of the talking horses. The camp was overjoyed to have Alogo returned to them. It began to rain in the afternoon, so the team hunkered down and stayed with the talking horses for the remainder of the day. That evening, the horse chieftain offered some horses from his camp to help them on their quest. Alogo stayed to help, and joined Starflower, Edmur the horse joined Edward. Arled became William’s mount, and Philip selected a horse named Johny.

The rain let off in the evening, and the team decided to spend the night at the talking horse camp.



Tales from Talania

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