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The Sanna Valley Raid: Session 22

Writer: Zachariah KenneyZachariah Kenney

Part III of the campaign

Theme: The Doctrine of Christ

Type: Sandbox hexmap

Time for us to complete: 22 game sessions.

Date in Real Life: Sunday March 6th, 2022

In Game Day: Arba the 28th of Yuwol (and overnight into the wee hours of the 29th).

Player Characters:

  • Philip the Raid Leader (commanding his fourth mission), riding Johny the horse,

  • Starflower the Lion Warrior (with Regulus the Lion), riding Alogo the horse,

  • William the Bear Knight (with Bill the Bear and Arled the horse)

  • Edward the Knight of the Way (2nd mission as Knight of the Way), riding Edmur the horse.

  • Cenbald the Potential (NPC), on his 2nd mission.

  • Milda the Potential (NPC), with Cyna the badger. On her 2nd mission.

The team fled south through the forest, not even stopping when grims tried to sling stones at them (Milda got hit with a rock).

They left the forest and immediately came to the river. They couldn’t cross it easily, so turned west to find the hollow hills.

They made it to the hollow hills without incident, selected the southeast hill, and found themselves in the southeast corner of the valley, among goat herds. Team members were tired and some were injured, but the rode on. As they approached Hawold, they prayed for guidance, and felt the Overlord telling them the words from Proverbs 4:

Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. 26 Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. 27 Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.

They interpreted this to mean they should ride hard to the hollow tree and not stop at the town or at the mining camp.

As they rode through the southern canyon, they were ambushed by goblins three times. Some goblins tried to run away, and Milda discovered that she had the gift of Tracking Enemies. On another ambush, Cenbald got hit by an arrow, and his health was becoming critical. William gave him some healing figs to restore him, but Milda was getting too tired to keep going. The team tied her to her horse so that she wouldn’t fall off, and kept going.

They met the same porcupine at the trail junction. They continued on and found the hollow tree. They said goodbye to their horses, and stepped through the tree into the liberated lands, bringing Cenbald and Milda with them.

Simeon welcomed the team home. They team donated their captured riches to the Overlord’s treasury. Cenbald and Milda were accepted to the Light Raider Academy. Considering the trials they had been through with the team, they bypassed the Potentials stage and were accepted as Initiates.

Mission Accomplished.



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