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The Sanna Valley Raid: Session 20

Writer: Zachariah KenneyZachariah Kenney

Part III of the campaign

Theme: The Doctrine of Christ

Type: Sandbox hexmap

Time for us to complete: 22 game sessions.

Date in Real Life: Sunday February 27th, 2022

In Game Day: Arba the 28th of Yuwol.

Player Characters:

  • Philip the Raid Leader (commanding his fourth mission), riding Johny the horse,

  • Starflower the Lion Warrior (with Regulus the Lion), riding Alogo the horse,

  • William the Bear Knight (with Bill the Bear and Arled the horse)

  • Edward the Knight of the Way (2nd mission as Knight of the Way), riding Edmur the horse.

  • Cenbald the Potential (NPC), on his 2nd mission.

  • Milda the Potential (NPC), with Cyna the badger. On her 2nd mission.

The team gave godly counsel to those who were enchanted, then sat to eat lunch and debate their next move. They decided to head back to the Chalk Maul Inn.

As they approached the Inn, a gigantic spider came stomping down the path. Travellers were fleeing from the beast. The team sprang into action. The spider charged at Edward, and knocked him off his horse. Philip, Bill, and William came charging in. Milda said a battle prayer, and Bill scored a critical hit, slashing the beast on the underside of its thorax. William and Philip also landed powerful blows. The creature tried to get away, but the Raid Team chased it down and slayed it. Onlookers from the Inn came out and cheered for them.

The team went into the Inn. Raffin was serving lunch and came to chat with them. He made a comment about not praying to the Great Spider anymore, and the team saw an opening. They shared Isaiah 44:6 with him to open his eyes to the idea that there was only one God. They then shared the Great Rescue with him, and he prayed to become Keledan! They encouraged him to share his new faith with others, then took their leave.

They entered the forest via the mountains. Milda started feeling uneasy, because she recognized they were near the orc stronghold. They spotted a lone orc, who quickly ducked out of sight when he spotted the team. The team skirted south off the mountain and into the forest to avoid the orc stronghold.

In the forest, they encountered five grims. These smooth talking dark creatures were overjoyed to see some potential helpers, and tried to convince them to help them fix the roof on a building at the Beach Resort. Most of the team became enchanted at this point, and followed two of the grims through the forest, leaving William, Bill and Philip to fight the remaining grims alone.

Philip cut one grim down in one stroke of his battle axe. Bill also brought one down in a single charge. The third turned to run, but William charged in on his horse and cut him down. The grim tried to roll over and defend himself with his dagger, but he was no match for his opponent.

Philip and William tracked the grims through the forest, eventually meeting up with Cyna the badger, who led them to the Beach resort.

Cenbald and Milda were already being led away by the grims, but Starflower and Edward were at the reception building when the rest of the team arrived. They successfully rescued their friends. To get into the resort, they had to leave their animals in a pen (Regulus and the horses scoffed at the fence, saying they could jump over it and escape anytime), so that the other patrons would “feel safe.” As well, they had to leave their weapons in lockers. The team agreed, knowing Starflower and William were well trained in hand-to-hand combat.

They paid the entrance fee, and thought they sensed a granog lurking nearby.

A human gave them a tour of the resort, tempting them with all the amenities, such as the courtyard, crafts, games area, eating options, sleeping establishments, water games, and beach activities.

The team members found some of the things interesting, but no one was tempted to stay “on vacation.”

They politely made their excuses, then set off in search of Cenbald and Milda. They found them near a restaurant, working on the roof of a building: a sleeping accommodation that was under renovation. A few people were going to and from the restaurant. The team waved politely, and waited for them to be out of sight. Starflower and William sneaked up behind the grims who were supervising the work. Starflower performed a powerful turning round house kick, kicking a grim and breaking the creature’s neck. William stomped on the back of the other one’s knee, bringing it to the ground. The grim turned to see who was attacking him, and William put him out with a swift chop to the neck.

Another diner came from the restaurant. The team acted casually, standing in front of the fallen grims to hide them from view. They decided to drag the dead grims into the cabin, then relieve them of their slings and daggers.

From here, the team gave Biblical counsel to Milda and Cenbald to break the enchantment, and then started back to the reception area. On the way, they encountered an older gentlemen, who introduced himself as Colonel Exard. He said he was the commander of the regiment at Othrond, and was here on vacation. When questioned, he seemed unsure how long he had been at the resort. The team continued on, and found that someone had put up a sign at the animal pen that said “petting zoo”. Children were paying money to feed their animals! The team was disgusted that someone had taken advantage of their presence to make some money. Cenbald said it felt like the sort of thing that would happen in Hawold- when a Granog was in charge! They retrieved their animals and weapons, and left the resort.



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