This continues part 1 of my homemade Sanna Valley Campaign. I am working to make a shareable guidebook of this adventure for others who may want to run it.
Theme: The Doctrine of Christ
Type: Sandbox hexmap
Time for us to complete: 22 game sessions.
Player Characters:
Philip the Raid Leader: 7th mission, 4th mission as Raid Leader.
Starflower the Lion Warrior (with Regulus the Lion): 7th mission, 4th mission as a Lion Warrior.
William the Bear Knight (with Bill the Bear): 7th mission, 4th mission as a Bear Knight
Edward the Light Raider: 7th mission. 1st mission as a Knight of the Way (Forest specialty)
Session #2
On the Road to Hawold
Date in Real Life: Tuesday, 5 Oct 2021
In Game Day: Shta’im, the 19th of Yuwol (afternoon of Day 1 of mission). Early autumn.
I had written a summary of the session in my adventure master notes, and even wrote a scene on part of the session. A few months later, my son (Player 2- Edward, age 13) was inspired to write, so I let him see my notes so that he could try to write the adventure in story form, filling in the gaps that I had not written. Here is our story of session 2:
Chapter 5: The road to Hawold
“We need to start walking, but we can talk about the ways of followers of the rescuer while we walk,” Philip said.
“Onward!” Philip said as he walked ahead. We followed him.
“How do you have a lion, Starflower?” Roge asked.
“In the Liberated lands, which is where we live, there is the LightRaider academy. The Academy is were LightRaiders are trained to go into the Dragon lands. After doing three missions, you can get a special ability.”
“What do you mean?” asked Roge.
“There are many options to choose from. One of the options is a LionWarrior. These Lightraiders have a talking lion as a companion. They can also telepathically communicate with their master. Other options that are similar is the WolfSoldier and the BearKnight. I am a LionWarrior and William is a BearKnight.”
“What are Philip and Edward?”
“Philip has the ability of RaidLeader. He is the one who is in charge of the team. Edward is a knight of the way, particularity in the forest. Knights of the way are especially adept at Blending with surroundings, Tracking enemies, evading enemies, Sensing ambushes, and knowing which direction is which. He also knows a few things about forests.” Starflower replied.
“Wow!” said Roge.
“Hey, is that Bertio coming up behind us?” William said.
“Sure enough,” I said as Bertio went by.
“What is a Wordrune?” asked Roge.
“A word Rune is a form of prayer, where we speak words from the Sacred scrolls asking for the Overlord's help. Psalm 119:105 can give you light. Some help against sin enchantments, others against dragons, others against dark creatures, a few for doors... There are a lot of Wordrunes. Some Wordrunes help with temporarily upgrading the fruit of the Spirit.” I replied.
“What is a fruit of the Spirit?” Roge asked.
“The Fruits of the Spirit are the qualities that we should have if we follow the Rescuer. The Fruit of the Spirit are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control. Other abilities are determined by these nine Character strengths.”
“What other abilities are there?” asked Roge.
“The Other abilities are courage, endurance, hope, knowledge, listening, quiet movement, vision, and Wisdom. There is also Solo battle. There are also the following defense abilities: Evade enemy, Recover from injury, and resist torture. There is also the armour of God.” I replied.
“What is the armour of God?”
“The armour of God helps us in battle. There is the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the boots of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, and the Sword of the spirit.”
“What does the sword do?”
“The higher ability of the sword of the spirit you are, the more Wordrunes you can say.”
“There is also the Weapon ability, which indicates how good you are (or can get) with weapons. There are a lot of weapons to choose from, but you get trained at the academy for only three. I have swords, a sling, and a dagger.”
“Crossroad!” said Philip, “Which direction should we go know, O Knight of the Way?”
“We would turn right, oh, and please don’t call me O Knight of the Way. Knight of the Way works just fine. Or even Edward.” I replied.
“Turning right..” said Philip.
“This is the direction to Hawold, are we going there?” asked Roge as the team turned right.
“We are going to Hawold, assuming nothing gets in our way...”
“Oh no,” said Starflower.
“What was that?” asked Philip.
“There is a fluster beast ahead, it is a type of dark creature,” said Starflower.
“What does a fluster beast do?” Roge asked.
“A fluster beast has two heads, they are always confused, that is the sin enchantment that they spread.”
Further ahead on the road, We heard a voice say “Do Crystal dragons lay crystal balls?”
“I think not!” said the other voice.
“Then where did they come from?” said the first voice.
“The Dragon” said the other voice.
“What? They are constructed?”
“No, they were laid by Crystal Dragons,”
“I do not think so!”
“Do too!”
“Do not!”
“You are making my hungry,”
I then said, “What was our mission again?”
Sin enchantment.
“We need to kill the fluster beast.” said Philip.
“The what?” I said
“That creature on the road, whip your sling at it,” Philip replied as he took out his Battle axe. Bill and Regulus were creeping into position. Starflower took out her quarterstaff, and William his double daggers.
Philip then charged at the fluster beast.. Starflower and William followed. Bill and Regulus charged at it and attacked it.It was mauled before Philip got to the fluster beast.
“We will continue east,” I said as I headed south.
“That way is east,” Philip said.
“No, that is North.” I replied.
“No, THAT is North” Philip pointed out.
“Really? It looks like wheat...”I pointed out.
“Wheat is not a direction!”Said Philip.
William then said
He is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does
“Do not be confused, or you will not follow the Overlord’s way.” Starflower said.
“What happened?” I said as he snapped out of the sin enchantment.
“Guys!” said William
“What is it, William?” asked Bill.
“I hear an animal up ahead!”
“It sounds like a lynx to me.” said Starflower.
We headed over to the lynx.
“Regulus, can you please communicate with this animal,” Starflower said.
“Sure can M’lady!”
Roar gore writ? Tisaj roar ra rah roh Roar. Reh roh Roar rah ra? Grr Gobgers gerhesd grrr grr gr grrrrr. Ger Bertio’s Grr grr gr Grrr.
“M’lady, Bertio ran into some goblins!”
“We need to get over there and deal with this. Fast.” Said Philip
We had headed over to the wagon.
“Oh no, dead Aladoth!” I said.
“Where is the silver and the horses?” said Philip.
“Where is Bertio?” said Roge.
Not a moment after Roge said that, Bertio emerged from behind a rock.
“GUYS! I am glad you are here! I knew you should have been my mercenaries!” said Bertio.
“Do you know where the goblins went?” I asked.
“No, all I did was hide behind this rock!” Bertio exclaimed.
After Regulus sniffed around, he said “The goblins went to the west,”
“Follow the tracks and find their lodging place!” I said.
“I will keep Bertio company,” said Roge.
We followed the tracks for a bit.
Chapter 6: The fight for Bertio’s silver
“I hear something, footsteps!” said William.
“Footsteps of what?” I asked.
“Not goblins, but...” said William. Before he could finish the sentence, a selfoe emerged from behind the rocks.
“Howdy, how do you do!” said the selfoe.
“Fine. Just fine.” said Philip warily.
“Whoa, that kind of talking would not store up treasure in heaven!” said the Selfoe.
“What will?” asked William cautiously.
“Doing good deeds, pleasing people and the dragon, giving your money to Antigonus.”
Who is Antigonus?
“Well Mr. Selfoe, I have a question for you, does THIS store treasure in heaven!” Philip said as he wielded his battle axe and stepped toward the selfoe.
“I have a bad feeling about this...” said the Selfoe.
“Uh oh...” said the selfoe as he wielded his quarterstaff.
“TAKE THAT!” said Philip as he swung his battle axe. The selfoe blocked it. But Regulus and Bill attacked in the back.
“What d...” said the selfoe as he whirled around and whacked Regulus. Philip chopped him in half with his battle axe.
“This won’t store treasure in heaven,” it said as it died.
“He’s gone!”
“Continue on then?” I said, pointing which direction to go.
“Onward!” Said Philip as we walked along.
William said, “I hear something small,”
“Five of them, Ready set, get your distance weapons out...” said Philip.
“Can you help us with our bridge?” asked one of the grims.
“We will help you by making you not do the work!” said Philip, deliberately being vague.
“Why thank you, you can start by...” said the Grim who was leading the pack. It was already dead with a battle axe thrown through him.
“YAAAHHH!” the other grims said. Only two were left and they had just pulled out their slings.
“GET THEM!” said Philip as he retrieved his battle axe. We had killed the other two with our slings.
“Cheap,” said Philip.
“Even cheaper than goblins!” I said.
“Continue this way!” said Bill, Regulus, and I.
I said, “I sense an ambush, watch it.” We took our weapons out.
“Allow me!” said Philip as he threw a stick. Four goblins ambushed the stick. Philip threw his battle axe so hard that it went through one goblin and killed another.
“HA!” said Philip as we used our slings and Regulus to kill the other two goblins.
“Continue on then, I guess.” I said as I tracked the direction the goblins went.
NOTE: The next italzied part daddy wrote.
The team came up to a clearing where they saw eight goblins around a fire.
“I see the horses,” Philip whispered, pointing to the left. Sure enough, two nervous horses were tied to a tree at the edge of the clearing.
“No sign of Bertio’s silver,” I mumbled.
Philip nodded. “I’m only counting eight of them. Starflower, you and Regulus go around and see if you can get behind them. William, Bill, take those guys on the right. Edward, up the middle. I’m going left. When we’re all in position, I’ll give the signal, and we ambush them. Everyone have their weapons out? Good, let’s move.”
Everyone nodded and crept silently into position. Philip moved towards the horses. They neighed softly when they saw him. Philip clucked his tongue a bit as he carefully untied one. The goblins were making too much noise to notice him. The horse was bare backed, since it had only been pulling a wagon, but he was experienced enough as a rider to not need a saddle. He carefully climbed up on its back, keeping his head low. Philip pulled out his lance, eager to use it in battle. He glanced around the edges of the clearing, and saw everyone was in position.
“Charge!” he cried out, digging his heels into the sides of his mount, his right hand holding the reins, his left hand gripping his lance. The horse responded beautifully, bearing down on the party of goblins. A goblin on the other side of the fire saw him coming, but was attacked from behind by Regulus before he could say anything. Bill was also charging in, and brought down another goblin just as his lance met its mark. All it took was one blow. He whirled his horse around, choosing another target, while Starflower, William, and Edward came running in, blades slashing and hacking.
In less than a minute, the battle was over. Most of the goblins hadn’t even put up a fight, they were so surprised. One goblin had managed to bite Regulus on the shoulder, but the lion seemed to be bearing up well.
Edward moved to untie the other horse, while Starflower looked around.
“There’s an opening in the rocks over there. Probably a goblin cave,”
Philip jumped off his horse, handing the reins to Edward. “I sense evil,” he said. “There’s still goblins here.” He slung his lance on his back and pulled out his battle axe.
William peered into the cave. “It’s dark in there,” he pointed out.
Philip tapped his foot on the threshold. Nothing. He grabbed a stick and tossed it into the opening. A goblin jumped out of a corner and slashed his sword down onto the stick.
“Should we pray?” Regulus asked.
Starflower shrugged, “It’s one goblin against Philip’s hatred of evil. It’ll be over in a moment.” Sure enough, by the time she finished her sentence, the goblin was on the ground, unmoving.
“I still sense evil,” Philip called to his teammates. He tossed another stick in. Nothing. Philip unhooked the hatchet from his belt and held it out. A goblin came swooping out of the dark, sword flashing at Philip’s hand. Philip withdrew quickly, avoiding injury, and brought his battle axe down hard. “Okay, we’re clear, now,” Philip said. “I don’t sense anymore dark creatures.”
Edward stayed outside with the animals, while William, Philip and Starflower went in. They looked around, and found a barrel with Bertio’s silver, along with a chest. They dragged both outside into the light.
Chapter 7: Onto Hawold
“What’s in the chest?” Edward asked.
Starflower moved to open it. “It’s locked.”
William grinned. “Allow me,” he said.
Starflower smiled and gestured at the box. “Be my guest, son of a bandit, from a family of bandits.”
William had the lock open in mere seconds. “Piece of cake,” he said. He opened the box to reveal... treasure.
“What’s all that?” Philip asked.
William started listing the contents out loud. “I see coins, gem stones, weapons, parchments.”
“Careful! What kind of gem stones?” Starflower asked. “Let me see. Are they Grim Lode Stones?” Starflower peered carefully into the box. “No, not lode stones. These are something else.”
Philip picked one up. It was beautiful. He tossed it back into the box and glanced at the weapons. Two human bows with matching quivers. Three arrows each. And a buckler.
Starflower was looking through the parchments. “Most of this is rubbish. Like goblin scribbling or something. This one has a bite taken out of it. I don’t recognize the language on this one. Odd.”
“Maybe this box isn’t Bertio’s then. I’d expect to see ledgers or something if it belonged to him,” Edward commented.
Oh, here’s something.” Starflower stood up. “It’s a Wordrune.”
Luke 24:39
Look at my hands and feet. It is Myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.
Luke 24:39
“Sounds like it would be used to convert an Aladoth that thinks that Jesus is a ghost.” Starflower commented.
“That means we might have another person on the raid team!” I said.
“Maybe, but would we meet him at a goblin place?” said William.
“We should head back to Bertio, We could ask if the chest is his?” Philip said.
“Um... I know the direction Bertio is, but I might not be able to remember the path, we need to just head on,” I said.
“We get over to Bertio!” Philip ordered.
“Finally...” William muttered.
“How close do you estimate the road is?” asked Philip.
“I think it might be close, maybe an hour...”
“WEBS!” shrieked Starflower.
“What about webs, that may mean that my battle axe tastes more blood!” said Philip.
“We heard that! Our platoon of 358 did!” said a cave spider.
“I can vouch for him!” said another cave spider.
“We will not eat you if you come up!” said yet another cave spider.
“You come down then!” said Philip.
“We would rather we have dinner with you in our homes!”said a cave spider.
“You can have a yearly supply of French flies if you come up here!” said a cave spider.
“Did you say French flies?” I said.
“How do you make those?” Philip asked.
“You catch some flies, chop them up with mini battle axes, and then cook them in the Instant machine. We can give you the instant machine if all of you come up!” said a cave spider.
“What is a machine?” I asked.
“Or you can just deliver the silver up here! We will not take it!” said a cave spider.
“Right.....” I said.
“How about we just leave?” said Starflower to the rest of the team.
“WE WANT You to leave!”
“Thanks for the permission!” said William.
“Oops.” said a cave spider as we left the area.
Suddenly, two horses stepped out from behind a copse of trees.
“Greetings, friends of horses!” one of them spoke.
“The Rescuer is with us!” Starflower said.
“Always and Forever,” the second horse replied.
“We see you have liberated those horses that the goblins have captured. You might be just the sort of people we’re looking for.”
“What do you mean?” Starflower asked, glancing at Regulus. The lion shrugged.
“We’re from a tribe of talking horses that live in the Southwest forest in Sanna Valley. One of our number has been kidnapped, and is being held somewhere in the town of Hawold. If you find him, please find a way to rescue him.”
“We’ll see what we can do,” Philip vowed.
“How did it go?” asked Roge.
“We have the silver!” Philip said as he put down a barrel. I put down another barrel.
“Great! And the Horses?” asked Bertio.
“Over here!” Starflower said as she brought the horses.
“Is this yours?” asked William as he put down the chest.
Bertio had a small gleam in his eye. Just before Bertio spoke, Roge said “It is not Bertio’s, the treasure is yours.”
“Hey, maybe I can hire you as mercenaries?” said Bertio.
“We will go with you to Hawold, but do not make any obligation to pay us.” Philip and Starflower replied.
“Oh good!” said Bertio.
“The horses are hooked up!” said Roge, who had just hooked the horses.
“Forward!” said Bertio as the wagon pulled away.
“Well well,” I said, “How are we going to divvy up the treasure?”
“There is one Xoch, 3 Mezids, 7 Kobos, 2 Petas, 7 Half petas, ten Xicos, and 5 gems.” said William.
“I can take the gems!” I said.
“I can take the Xicos, petas and Half Petas!” said Philip.
“I will want the Kobos!” said William.
“And that leaves me with the Xoch and Mezids!” sad Starflower.
“May I take the buckler?” asked William.
“I am fine with that,” said Starflower, “I can take a bow and arrow set."
“Me too!” chimed Philip.
“Does Edward want anything?” I said to myself, “Mesa nosa need anything more.”
PART 2: Hawold
Chapter 1: The Ruby Tavern
“What a great view!” Starflower breathed.
“We could see the whole valley!” said Philip.
“And the beautiful sunset!” said Starflower.
“And?” said William.
“There is a town, probably Hawold, that we are going to arrive to in approximately less than a quarter of a tick.” I commented.
“What is ‘approximately less than a quarter of a tick mean’ supposed to mean?” said Starflower.
“Soon,” said Edward. “There is also a city near where all the rivers meet!”
“The sunset just gives you some Joy!” said Starflower joyfully.
“Yeah...” I breathed.
“Meh.” said William.
“There she is talking about the beauty of the sky again?” said Philip.
“Is Roge going to be coming with us?” I said, changing the subject so that an argument would not come out.
“I still live at the mining camp, I am afraid that I am just going to have to stay with Bertio.” said Roge.