The Sanna Valley Raid part 2 (homemade mission)

Theme: The Doctrine of Christ
Type: Sandbox hexmap
Time for us to complete: 22 game sessions.
Player Characters:
Philip the Raid Leader: 8th mission, 5th mission as Raid Leader. Riding Johny the horse.
Starflower the Lion Warrior (with Regulus the Lion): 8th mission, 5th mission as a Lion Warrior. Riding Alogo the horse.
William the Bear Knight (with Bill the Bear): 8th mission, 4th mission as a Bear Knight. Riding Arled the horse.
Edward the Knight of the Way (Forest Specialty): 8th mission. 2nd mission as a Knight of the Way. Riding Edmur the horse.
Cenbald the Potential (NPC), on his 1st mission.
Milda the Potential (NPC), with Cyna the badger. On her 1st mission.
Date in Real Life: Tuesday January 4th, 2022
In Game Day: evening of Shesh the 23rd of Yuwol (5th day of mission)
The team walked away from the Crystal Temple, then ducked out of sight and doubled back, coming up behind the building to the unlocked door they had prepared. The door was still unlocked. They sneaked inside and made their way to the basement. Philip peeked around the corner and spotted five orcs at the end of the hall. Two started heading their way. Cenbald and Edward ambushed the first two orcs, and the other three came running. Bill and Regulus joined Cenbald and Edward, with a bit of help and encouragement from Philip. Milda and Starflower stayed out of the fight, and prayed. Milda’s battle prayer incinerated the final orc. Two more orcs burst out of one of the three doors, and the battle continued for a few more minutes. A voice called down from upstairs, asking the orcs if they were okay. Philip replied in a gruff voice that everything was fine.
William picked a lock to the storage room at the end of the hall to find nothing. Not a single crystal ball. They listened at the treasury room door and heard the voices of people counting money. They decided not to enter. At the third door, they smelled orc, and theorized it led into dark underground tunnels full of orcs, and that they didn’t need to go there. A greedo came down the stairs, saw them, and ran away up the stairs again. The team decided to leave before the greedo could raise the alarm. They went up the stairs and out the first door they came to, and around the corner of the building.
Not satisfied, they went to the side door on the front of the building. William wasn’t able to pick the lock, but Cyna the badger started sniffing around and then ran excitedly in circles. Starflower spoke to the badger and learned that she smelled a mouse inside. Milda was impressed and asked Starflower about this spiritual gift, remarking that she didn’t know what her spiritual gifts were. Starflower advised her to pray about it, then spoke to the mouse through the door, and the mouse unlocked the door for them.
They went in to find a mail room. They rummaged through the mail and discovered a letter from Othrond to Hawold informing them that they have received their request for crystal balls, were out of stock, and have ordered 15 new ones. There was also mention of someone named Burha who had placed the order. They heard footsteps in the hallway, and quickly dashed outside again.
Milda led the team to the Silver Odeum, where one of Spearshake’s plays, The Taming of the Wild Shrews was showing. They paid the admission fee, and went inside. The team asked around and found out Burha was there that evening. They tried talking to her and discovered it takes about a day to make a crystal ball, so they figured they had 15 days from when the order was placed before it would ship.
Starflower and Milda went exploring backstage to see if they could get any information from the wild shrews. They found them, and Starflower started talking to the Shrews. Milda discovered that she understood the shrews, delighted to discover one of her spiritual gifts. Milda was overcome with concern for the captured rodents and wanted to set them free before they would be tormented on stage. Other members of the team showed little concern, and Starflower discerned that one of Milda’s other gifts could be merciful compassion. The girls set the shrews free. Meanwhile, Philip bought popcorn, and gave the greedo the idea of seasoning the popcorn.
The curtain went up, and the director announced that due to technical difficulties, they would be showing Eleventh Night instead of The Taming of the Wild Shrews. During intermission, Milda tried talking to Burha again, and discovered that the crystal balls are manufactured by a giant living in the mountains on the West side of the valley.
After the play, the team discussed what to do next, knowing they had to deal with Antigonus, the golden calf.