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The Sanna Valley Raid: Session 11

Writer: Zachariah KenneyZachariah Kenney

The Sanna Valley Raid part 2 (homemade mission)

Theme: The Doctrine of Christ

Type: Sandbox hexmap

Time for us to complete: 22 game sessions.

Player Characters:

Philip the Raid Leader: 8th mission, 5th mission as Raid Leader. Riding Johny the horse.

Starflower the Lion Warrior (with Regulus the Lion): 8th mission, 5th mission as a Lion Warrior. Riding Alogo the horse.

William the Bear Knight (with Bill the Bear): 8th mission, 4th mission as a Bear Knight. Riding Arled the horse.

Edward the Knight of the Way (Forest Specialty): 8th mission. 2nd mission as a Knight of the Way. Riding Edmur the horse.

Cenbald the Potential (NPC), on his 1st mission.

Milda the Potential (NPC), with Cyna the badger. On her 1st mission.

Date in Real Life: Sunday December 19th, 2021

In Game Day: evening of Shesh the 23rd of Yuwol (5th day of mission)

At Cece’s Masonry, the players were introduced to the other Lightraider team: Shaundra, Tennille, Arthur and Ewan, all cousins. They enjoyed supper together, and the players told the second team everything they could about Hawold. Starflower spoke with a mouse named Gundo to see about getting more information on the Crystal Temple. Gundo mentioned orcs work as night guards.

The players decided to head out to the Crystal Keep district, leaving their horses behind. They came to the Crystal Temple. As they approached the building, they encountered a person, Elean, who had just come out of the Temple. She seemed scared of death, as she had just received an omen of her impending doom. Once the team reassured her that they meant no harm, she sought their protection. Milda had merciful compassion, and offered to escort her home.

The rest of the team checked out the Temple. There were several entrances. They made their way inside and started exploring what turned out to be a maze of rooms. One room was beautifully decorated, and had a priest sitting by a couple of doors marked “Hall of Purification” and “Sleeping Room.” They found the main entrance hall, where worshippers were making offerings of money before a beautiful tapestry of a dragon. In another room, a statue of the dragon oversaw a room of prayer. The also found a reading room, with books on subjects of omens, fortunes, astrology and interpretations. Adjacent to this room was a small room with a priest and a crystal ball, who offered to read their fortunes. They declined.

They found their way into a dark classroom, and from there, into back hallways. They stumbled upon priests in a room full of caged animals, they interrupted someone in another room, and found a staircase to the basement. Philip opened one of the back doors, glanced around outside, then closed the door, leaving it unlocked.

They also made their way up to the roof and started talking to a man named Kilmah, who was looking through a telescope. He introduced himself as the official astrologer, but admitted the astrology was rubbish, and his real love was astronomy: simply admiring and studying the stars. Philip mentioned the Overlord, and Kilmah told him to not talk about it here. Philip suggested Kilmah come to Cece’s Masonry to talk the next day, since he was working at the moment.

Regulus and Bill had been waiting outside. Regulus sent telepathic thoughts to Starflower, saying Cyna’s badger was outside, acting frantic. Starflower made her way outside and tried to communicate with the badger. The badger ran around, to the temple door and back. They followed the badger back inside, who was now sniffing around. The badger led them to the man by the door to the sleep room.

They determined that Milda was probably inside, and Edward and Philip paid to get in.

They stepped into a sweet smelling room, with inviting looking beds. A book on a nightstand said “Interpreting Dreams.” Milda was asleep on one of the beds. They tried to wake her, but she didn’t rouse. They started feeling sleepy themselves. Philip pulled some flour out of his pack and snorted it to stay awake, also giving some to Edward. They kept trying to wake Milda, then decided to drag her out of the room. In a hallway, they managed to wake her up. She seemed confused about how she got there. They got her out of the building, just as the gatekeeper was locking up for the night.



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