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The Sanna Valley Raid: Session 10

Writer: Zachariah KenneyZachariah Kenney

The Sanna Valley Raid: Part 2

Theme: The Doctrine of Christ

Type: Sandbox hexmap

Time for us to complete: 22 game sessions.

Player Characters:

Philip the Raid Leader: 8th mission, 5th mission as Raid Leader. Riding Johny the horse.

Starflower the Lion Warrior (with Regulus the Lion): 8th mission, 5th mission as a Lion Warrior. Riding Alogo the horse.

William the Bear Knight (with Bill the Bear): 8th mission, 4th mission as a Bear Knight. Riding Arled the horse.

Edward the Knight of the Way (Forest Specialty): 8th mission. 2nd mission as a Knight of the Way. Riding Edmur the horse.

Cenbald the Potential (NPC), on his 1st mission.

Introducing Milda the Potential (NPC), with Cyna the badger.

Date in Real Life: Sunday December 12th, 2021

In Game Day: afternoon of Shesh the 23rd of Yuwol (5th day of mission)

Session 10

Members of the raid team were wet and cold after their battle with the valpaza in the river. They went with the child they had rescued and stumbled upon a kind knight who was handing out food and fresh water to the poor. Starflower started talking to a mouse nearby and learned he was a Salt Warrior. The team approached him, and he invited them to his simple home to give them a place to change out of their wet clothes and have a warm cup of tea. Eventually, the child went home. The Salt Warrior’s name was Gerey. He told them how to find the Exalted Stables, the place where Antigonus is worshipped.

The team went to the empty square to look around. A woman was there, praying, and putting gold into the offering box. They saw a badger running around, who went to her side. They spotted a door in the side of the rocky podium that the stables was built on.

The woman approached them, saying her name was Milda, and asked for their help. She was convinced that they were the answer to her prayers, and wanted them to help her recover her father’s sword from the orcs in the Northeast forest. Philip prayed to the Overlord for guidance, and knew that this was not something they should agree to. Milda cried, certain they were the help she needed. They witnessed to her (Edward did most of the talking), telling her of the Overlord’s love for her. She accepted the Rescuer and became a Keledan!

The team decided to bring her back to Gerey’s house so that they could talk to her in private. Gerey wasn’t there when they came, but he had told them to let themselves in if they needed to. They spoke to Milda some more. Starflower conversed with Cyna, Milda’s badger, and Cyna told Starflower that Milda had been acting strange for a long time. Her request for help wasn’t really about the sword. Cyna suspected it was about revenge against the orcs. Starflower used the sacred scrolls to speak truth into Milda’s life. There were many tears and hugs and Milda was liberated from a Revenge sin enchantment that she had been bearing for years. A mouse met them and told them that the other light raider team was at Cece the Mason’s house. Cece was another Salt Warrior in town.

The team went back to the Exalted Stables near sundown to see what was going on. The square had filled with people. A pompous priest came out, followed a few moments later by Antigonus, the golden calf. People started bowing down and praising and worshipping the golden calf. The team was disgusted. Antigonus was getting ready to speak to the people, and Starflower suggested they leave, since Golden Calves spread their sin enchantment with their words. Having seen all they needed to see, they left.

They began making their way to Cece’s Masonry. A short, hooded figure stopped them and asked for their help repairing a building that had collapsed. Philip prayed for guidance, and sensed evil as a result. The little person offered to pay them with gems, which Starflower recognized as Grim’s lode stones. Since there was no one around, they decided to kill the grim, and stow his body in a back alley. They took his dagger and his sling and continued on their way.

The team arrived at Cece’s and discovered Cece at dinner with the other light raider team.



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