This is part 1 of my homemade Sanna Valley Campaign. I am working to make a shareable guidebook of this adventure for others who may want to run it.
Theme: The Doctrine of Christ
Type: Sandbox hexmap
Time for us to complete: 22 game sessions.
Player Characters:
Philip the Raid Leader: 7th mission, 4th mission as Raid Leader.
Starflower the Lion Warrior (with Regulus the Lion): 7th mission, 4th mission as a Lion Warrior.
William the Bear Knight (with Bill the Bear): 7th mission, 4th mission as a Bear Knight
Edward the Light Raider: 7th mission. 1st mission as a Knight of the Way (Forest speciality)
Session #1
The Problem at the Silver Mine
Date in Real Life: Sunday, 26 Sep 2021
In Game Day: Shta’im, the 19th of Yuwol (morning of Day 1 of mission). Early autumn.
I had written a summary of the session in my adventure master notes. A few months later, my son (Player 2- Edward, age 13) was inspired to write, so I let him see my notes so that he could try to write the adventure in story form. Here is his story of session 1:
Chapter one: Welcome to the Sanna Valley
“Well, here we are in the Sanna Valley,” I said. The Rescuer had just sent Starflower the lion warrior, Philip the raid leader, William the bear knight and me, the knight of the way; to go destroy a crystal ball shipment to Hawold. However, there might be side missions.
“Which direction should we go, O Knight of the way?” said Philip.
“NOT SOUTH, We will follow the road and go North,” I said. After walking for a few hours, the raid team arrived at a crossroad in the forest.
“NOW WHICH DIRECTION DO WE...?” said Philip. Before he could finish the sentence, a porcupine came out of the bushes nearby the road. “The Overlord is with us!” she said.
“Always and forever!” the raid team replied. It was the usual greeting of lightraiders and believers of the Overlord. “Do you know the direction we should be going?”
The porcupine then gave us directions. “That way is the town of Hawold and the Sanna valley. The Rescuer told me that you should be going the off this direction first because the Overlord wants you to fix the problems over at the mining camp.”
“Okay, to the mining camp then!” said Philip.
“Wait!” squealed the porcupine, “The Rescuer also wanted to give you a word rune!”
Starflower perked up. Word runes mean we use them. “What is it?” Starflower said as she picked up the word rune from the porcupine.
“Read it aloud!” I said.
JOHN 1:1
In the beginning was the word,
and the word was with God,
and the word was God.
The raid team then went towards the mining camp. Nothing of interest happened on the way to the mining camp.
“Well, here we are, lets walk in!” said Philip as he walked to the mining camp.
“WAIT! There are guards!” said Starflower. Philip kept walking until the guards called “Halt, who goes there?”
Philip motioned us while he said “We wish to enter.”
“Well, you don't look like goblins. One thing though, you need to show your money. When you leave, we will check your money again to make sure you did not steal any,” said the guards. While they said that, we came over to Philip.
Two guards came and checked our money. “This money is not from around here, where do you come from?”
“We are travellers from the south,” said Starflower, deliberately being a little vague. Bill and Regulus (the lion and the bear) started coming out of the bushes.
“Well then, you may now enter... What’s with the lion and the bear!” said one of the guards.
“They are our pets, this one is Regulus, the Bear is Bill, can we---” said Starflower.
“Keep them out of the Mining camp. You can get back to them when you leave the camp.”
“Fair enough,” said Bill. William nudged his bear to stop talking before the guards got suspicious.
“Okay, NOW you can enter.” said the other guard.
The mining camp did not seem very active. There was a large tent, there was also many many many other smaller tents. There was also a fire pit and a glass statue of a dragon. There were a few people worshipping the dragon.
“Strange, where are all the tools?” said Philip.
“That large tent looks important, maybe we could get more information there.” said William.
The Raid team then went to check out the large tent. A few people were talking in there.
“Hullo!” said Philip.
“Who are you?” asked one of them, “My name is Bertio, what is yours?”
“I am Philip the Great...”
“Philip!” Starflower said while she slapped him. “This is Philip, I am Starflower, This is William, and this is Edward.”
“Do you have any problems in the camp right now? I did not notice any tools” I said.
“We do have a problem!” said the foreman, “Something stole all our tools!”
“It’s probably that strange noise down in that strange tunnel Breyney found.” said someone else.
“Duh, Of course it was!” said someone else.
“We can deal with it! We are the killer team!” said Philip.
“Philip...” warned Starflower.
“Do you know where Breyney would be?” asked William.
“In a tent. Not this one.” said the foreman.
“That does not help.” said Philip.
“We are exiting the tent...” said Starflower.
“OKAY OKAY!” said Philip.
After leaving the big tent, We went over to check out the worker’s tents.
“Maybe we should separate so that we could find Breyney faster,” said William.
“Okay,” said Philip.
Most of the Workers had the exact same reaction. “LEAVE MY TENT.”
5 minutes later, I had entered a tent and did not get the usual answer. Here is how it went. I walked in. There were two miners in the tent.
“Hello, would you like a palm reading, only for a peta...” said one of the miners.
“No thank you, I am looking for a miner named Breyney, do you know where he is? By the way, my name is Edward.” I said.
“Yes, I do know,” sad the other miner, “I can lead you there if you want. By the way, my name is Roge.”
“Sure!” I said.
Roge then left the tent and led me to a different tent.
“Here is the tent that Breyney is in. Why do you want him?” said Roge.
I replied “I wish to see if I and a few others can go deal with that tool problem that I heard of.”
About 5 seconds after I said that, Philip, Starflower, and William arrived at the tent.
“Breyney?” I called to the tent.
“Yeah?” a voice said from the tent.
“Would you be kind enough to tell what happened with the tools?” I asked.
Breyney left his tent. “I guess, well it started out with me mining as normal, but after that one swipe, I had discovered a hidden tunnel. I started hearing strange noises from the tunnel. I was a little creeped out, and left the mine. The next morning, all the tools disappeared. Now none of the workers dare to go into the mine. I am willing to show you the spot in which the tunnel was.”
“I can come too, but not too far” said Roge.
“Let’s go!” said Philip.
After a bit, we were at the entrance to the mines. Let’s go in.
Breyney showed us a bit of the mine. “Over here is the supply room, but the extra tools went missing.”
“Look at those footprints!” said Starflower, “Those look like that of a cave troll!”
“This does not bode well...” said Roge.
“Here is the Main room, were we might eat and talk,” said Breyney
“I think I will just stay here” said Roge.
“Good idea,” I said.
“The rest of the mine is this way,” said Breyney.
Chapter 2: The dark tunnel
“Well, here is the strange tunnel,” said Breyney. “Bye Bye!”
“WAIT!” Philip said. Breyney ran off.
“He is not courageous,” Starflower commented.
“Let’s walk into the dark tunnel,” said Philip.
“We need a light,” said William calmly.
Starflower said enthusiastically “Word rune time!”
Philip, William and Edward said the following word rune:
Psalm 119: 105
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119: 105
An orb suddenly appeared over each of our heads except Starflower. The orb glowed with lots of light.
“NOW we can enter!” said Philip as he entered. We followed in single file, Philip, Edward, Starflower, and William in the back.
Starflower looked around in the tunnel. “Hey look, symbols,”
“Are they trollish?” asked Philip.
“That is not troll writing.” William replied.
“Then what is it? said Philip.
“Shrug,” William replied.
“Moving on...” I said.
“Uh oh, bats!”said Starflower.
“Whew,” said Starflower.
“Hey look, steps,” said William.
“WHERE ARE PHILIP AND EDWARD?”exclaimed Starflower.
“Down here,” I said.
“We fell down the steps,” said Philip.
“So, how do we go down, fall down as well?” said William.
“Yes, of course. NOT!” I said. I could tell that William was joking.
Starflower headed down the steps with William.
“Well that went well,” I said.
Philip was already entering a door on the left before Starflower stopped him by yanking him back into the room we were currently in.“Careful now, Cave trolls often have traps. Now we go in—cautiously.”
So, we went in single file, same as last time. Suddenly, I got a weird feeling about this.
“I have a bad feeling about this...” I said to the rest of team.
Philip stopped and looked around. Right in front of him was a trip wire. “Not a moment too soon!” He said.
All of us carefully went over the trip wire.
“Who knows what would happen if the trip wire was triggered.” I said.
Philip arrived at a door at the end of the tunnel. “I sense evil!” he said “On the other side!”
We walked over to the door and listened. We heard something along the lines of...
“Saogul eht masret si KRZY...” a high pitched voice said.
“Goblins,” Philip muttered. “Lets charge them,”
“Ready, set, and ATTACK!!” Philip said as he charged through the door. After him came William, then Starflower, then I was last.
The goblins did expect us. All our weapons we were going to fight with were already out. Philip with a battle axe, William with double daggers, Starflower with a quarterstaff, and I had Double swords. There were three goblins in the room, two had pulled their bows out, and the other was at a pedestal. The one at the pedestal pushed a button on his pedestal and BANG! A cage fell on me. I became trapped.
Meanwhile, Philip threw his battle axe at a goblin. Since it was a powerful throw, it died in one blow. William charged at the other goblin. Starflower went over to the pedestal.
The goblin at the pedestal took out a bow and aimed it at Starflower. The other goblin shot William. I prayed that it would not hurt him. I was relieved to see his shield of faith glimmer in the darkness.
Philip retrieved his battle axe. William threw his daggers at the goblin not at the pedestal and it died. Starflower swung her quarterstaff and hit the goblin that was left.
“SHRIEK” it said. The Goblin attempted to bite Starflower but it only got a whack in the face. Then Starflower struck the goblin again and it died. A battle axe also made contact.
“YES!” Philip said as he swung his battle axe in the air and caught it. “Vanquished 3 more goblins!” Starflower was observing the pedestal. She pushed the two buttons on the pedestal. One opened the door to the next room, the other lifted the cage.
“Next room,” said Philip as he walked through the open door. “Whoa!”
“What is it?” Starflower asked.
“Glowing mushrooms. Maybe we should take a few!” Philip said.
“NO, THOSE ARE TOXIC!” said Starflower.
“Next room,” said Philip.
“Next room,” said Philip as he waited at the door.
“Hey, you actually waited!” said Starflower.
Philip glared at Starflower. Then he suddenly looked at the door and said “I sense evil!”
“WHERE?” said Starflower.
“Other side of the door,” Philip said, “Please stop screaming so I can listen to what is on the other side of the door.”
I also went to the door and listened. Unfortunately, I had too much earwax in my ear and did not hear very well.
“The cave troll is talking to some goblins in there,” said Philip.
“How many?” asked William.
“One cave troll,” said Philip.
“I could have assumed that, but how many goblins?”
“Sounds like one or two,” said Philip.
“So, how are we getting in?” I asked.
“The Bold approach,” Philip said as he opened the door and walked in, battle axe in hand.
“I guess we will follow him,” Starflower sighed as she entered, pulling out her quarterstaff. I came after with my two swords. and William was last with his double daggers.
Chapter 3: The fight with the Troll
“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” said the Cave troll to us.
“WE HAVE COME TO KILL YOU!” said Philip boldly.
“Really, I thought we were going to do business!” said the cave troll.
“Business of what?” Philip asked.
“Those hatchets you have on your belts are very nice, They would make a very nice addition to my collection!”
“For what in return?” asked William.
“A Xico?” said the cave troll.
“NO!” we all said.
“A Peta?”
“A claw?”
“A Kobo?
“NO!” we all said except William.
“A Mezid each?” said the Troll.
“NO!” said Philip, Starflower, and I.
“YES!” said William.
“We have a deal then!” said the cave troll as he got really close to William. I, knowing that William was under a sin enchantment, slashed the troll as hard as I could. One of the swords made contact with the Troll.
“OW!” It said as it turned and slashed me. It made contact, though it was less pain that I expected.
The goblins raised their bows and shot them, one at Philip, the other at Starflower. They missed.
William, seeing that a fight was happening, stabbed the cave troll with his double daggers. I was also slashing it with my swords. Starflower also whacked it with her quarterstaff, but the troll evaded it.
Philip ran up to a goblin, then chopped it in half.
The Troll, looking rather hurt, turned, and slashed at William. William ducked then stabbed it in the Groin. Combined with two sword hits and a quarterstaff, it fell back and died.
Meanwhile, Philip dodged an arrow and threw his battle axe at the same time. The axe went right through the goblin and it died.
“HOORAY!” said Starflower. Philip went close to William and said, “So much for a deal, eh?”
William grunted.
Then Starflower said, “Be content with what you have, do not try to steal other things, it is against the OverLord’s will.”
William then said “What happened, oh no, sin enchantment.” said William.
“So, what do we do about the tools?” I asked.
“Simple, we take them to the miners,” Philip said.
“Uh, guys, that is not a very good idea” said Starflower.
“Why not?” said Philip.
“Because touching a troll’s items can make you fall under the sin enchantment!” Starflower replied.
“How do we make it not make the miners be under a sin enchantment, then?” said Philip.
“It says in the lightraider handbook that if the items are out of the troll’s home for a few days, then the enchantment will wear off. Maybe we could just bring them out of his home then the enchantment might wear off,” said Starflower.
“I’m on it!” said Philip as he moved the tools out of the lair. Of course, it took two hours, so I took a nap. When I woke up, Philip had just finished moving the tools. Starflower had a little bell.
“Where did you get the bell?” I asked.
“It is from that pedestal just over in that other room. It was connected to the trip wire.”
“Okay then!” I said.
“Maybe we should return to the surface?” William asked.
“That is a Great Idea!” said Philip. The Raid team then went up and out of the troll area.
“Um, Guys, Where should we go?” said Starflower.
“We should head over to the surface!” said Philip.
“WHICH WAY IS THE SURFACE!” shouted Starflower.
“This way...” I said.
“I guess we will go that way, Mr. Knight of the Way,” said Starflower.
“Now which direction?” said Philip when we arrived at the next intersection, “Right or left?”
“Left.” I said
“I thought it was right.” Said Starflower
“I am pretty sure it was left,” said William
“How do you know?” said Starflower.
“There is a sign saying ‘the surface is to the left’ right in front of us,” said William.
“I do not see anything.” said Starflower.
“Maybe you did not pass your vision check, Starflower,” said William.
“Can we actually turn left now?” I asked.
“YES! We are turning left now.” said Philip.
After about an hour of this kind of talking and walking, we (finally) got to the surface.
“Now we are back to the surface,” said Starflower.
“What now?” I asked.
“To the main room in the mine, I guess.”said Philip.
“And which direction is that?” questioned William.
“Obviously it is straight, because that is the only direction we can go,” I said.
“No it isn’t, we could go back the way we came,” mentioned William.
“William...” Starflower warned.
“Continue to the main room it is!” said Philip as he continued on.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go back in the mine?” William snickered.
“WILLIAM!” Starflower said.
“Okay, fine,” said William, “I will stop joking around.”
Minus one maturity unit on gentleness, Starflower.(Thinking to self)
“Guys, get over here, I am in the main room already!” Philip shouted from the end of the tunnel.
“I’ll be there,” I said as I continued up the tunnel to the surface.
“And the others?” asked Philip.
“Coming,” Starflower muttered.
We returned to the main room. Breyney and Roge were in the main room.
“Ah, glad you did not die!” Breyney said.
“Do you know what happened to the tools, Philip?” Roge asked.
“Unfortunately, you should not touch the tools for a few days, they may cause a sin enchantment!” Starflower said.
“Pff, Whatever that is,”said Breyney.
Roge looked at us in a curious manner.
“I am going to go tell my boss!” Breyney said as he left the room. Philip, William, and Starflower left the room to go follow him.
Chapter 4: To leave the mining camp
“What is a sin enchantment?” Roge asked.
“A sin enchantment is when you commit sin and you commit it, it is transmitted from dark creatures.” I replied.
“Whoa, What is sin and what are dark creatures?”
“I will answer your first question, sin is the things that we do that are against the Overlord’s will. Basically the bad things we do.”
“I have heard of the Overlord and the sacred scrolls, however, wasn’t the guy who saved the world just a human?”
“The sacred scrolls say that Jesus is Fully human and fully God, as quote from the sacred scrolls: John 1:1, In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.”
“The OverLord wants a friendship with you, with everyone! John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have Everlasting life. However, there is this thing called sin, which is the bad things you do.”
“What does sin do?”
“Sin separates us from the Overlord, making the friendship with humans alone impossible: Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God. But, there is still a way! The Overlord/Rescuer died for us so we would not have to pay the penalty of death. The good news is that he rose again! 2 Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him, we might become like the righteousness of God! You can accept the message and be his friend, or you have the option of not, but that will result in eternal fire. I would strongly suggest you believe.Romans 10:9 If you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved!”
“How do I believe?” said Roge.
“You pray to the Overlord to wash away your sins,” I said
“But, I have never prayed to him before!”
“Then I can guide you through your first prayer, Repeat after me,”
Then we prayed the Following prayer:
Overlord of many names,
please come into my life,
to be my Savior and Lord
please forgive me of my sins and sinfulness,
and give me citizenship in your eternal kingdom
“But how do I know he is in me?” said Roge.
“John 1:12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” I replied.
Meanwhile, at the same time I was telling the good news to Roge, the rest of the team followed Breyney to the big tent.
“Bertio, the people have come back!” Breyney said.
“Well well, did you find the tools?” Bertio asked.
“There is good news and there is bad news,” said Starflower.
“What is the news?” asked Bertio.
“The good news is that we found your tools. The bad news is that your tools are under a sin enchantment and you should not touch them for three days.”
“THREE DAYS! I guess I am just going to go to town and get more tools, I have half a load of silver,” Bertio said.
“Where is Edward?” said William.
“Hey, tell you what, you can go and be my mercenaries on the journey, I will pay a Kobo each.” said Bertio.
“No, thank you,” said Starflower,
“How about some rewards for your great work,” Bertio said
“No, thank you,” said Starflower, “We only want gratitude, which you have already given. We also have other things to do.”
“What in the world was that?” said William.
Outside, the raid team heard ,“People of the mining camp, worshipping this dragon is wrong...”
“What have you done! Our tools are gone and now the Glass dragon statue!”
Philip went out like the wind and went to Roge’s side and helped him preach. I also came on the scene and helped calm the mob that was gathering. Starflower and William did too.
“Calm down, you can always not worship it or worship it privately,” I said to the mob of miners to help calm them down. Starflower and William did similar.
After the Mob was calmed, Roge said to us, “may I come with you for a bit, I feel unsafe here at the current moment,”
“Sure.” Philip replied.
“Being that we have no more things to do in this camp at the moment, we will leave the mining camp.” Starflower suggested.
“Let us head over to the gate!” said Philip as he began to walk over to the gate.
“Coming!” said the rest of us.
We headed over to the gate and the guards stopped us.
“Just need to check your money.”
“Here is what my pouch has,” we said and showed our pouches.
“That is what you had before, you may now pass,” said the guards.
After we left the gate, we went near to the brushes.
“Glad you have returned, m’lady,” Regulus said to Starflower and he got out of the bushes.
“AUGH! A lion and a bear!” Roge shouted.
“It is okay, they are our pets,” said Starflower, “I have the lion, Regulus, and William has Bill the Bear.”
“How about the porcupine?” asked Roge.
“What porcupine?” said Philip.
“It is probably a messenger from the Overlord of many names,” I said.
“Hello again,” the porcupine said, “Congratulations on dealing with the problem in the mining camp. Congratulations on Bringing Roge to the faith. Here is also another Wordrune for the team.”
Starflower took the Wordrune from the porcupine and read it (not making the effect happen)
Jeremiah 8:17
I will send venomous snakes among you,
Vipers that cannot be charmed
And they will bite you
Declares the Lord
Jeremiah 8:17
“What does it do?” I asked.
“It says ‘the lightraider who recites this Wordrune causes 1d6 venomous snakes to appear and attack dark creatures’” said Starflower.
“How often can it be used?” I said.
“Once per day.”
“What is a dark creature?” asked Roge.
“A dark creature it an evil form of things corrupted by dragons.” I replied.
“What do you mean?”
“Goblins, orcs, trolls, Greedos/granogs, Golden calves, selfoes, You name it!” I replied.
“What are dragons then?”
“Evil, rebellious against the Overlord, evil spirits, if you will.” I replied.