Format: Hex Crawl
Theme: Perseverance
Author: Player 1
Available from: this website, in our Homemade Adventures
Adventure Master: Player 1 ("Starflower"), leading her 4th mission.
Sahra Island
Date in Real Life: Sunday, 11September,2022
In Game Day: Khamesh, the 2nd of Sawol (early summer)
Player Characters:
Cenbald the Initiate, on his 4th mission.
Rumbald the Initiate, on his 3rd mission.
Gundo the Initiate, on his 3rd mission.
Norvin the Initiate, on his 2nd mission.
The team of initiates is woken up in the middle of the night and sent on a mission to a desert island.
They make their way across the wasteland, sipping water and avoiding mirages. They avoid a deadly boa snake. They find some dead dehydrated orcs. At an oasis, a water horse tells them to check the toes of the islands to find what they are seeking. The team realizes the island is shaped much like a foot. They eat some food.
They head for the eastern most toe peninsula. They find a strange flask, and feel the Overlord wants them to drink it. They immediately appear on a different peninsula. At this location, they discover a trap door. In the tunnels beneath, they see walls lined with gold, and rubies embedded in them. Some team members were tempted to take some of the riches, but Norvin spoke truth to them.
They followed the tunnel and came to a large cave. A pedestal was in the middle of the room. Norvin climbed the pedestal to get a better view of the cave floor. He saw etched lamps, along with some sort of incantation written on the floor. Four lamps materialized.
Vapour started pouring out of three of the lamps. The vapour trails met, and combined to reveal an evil genie. Norvin and Cenbald immediately fell under a sin enchantment and started wanting the genie to grant them wishes.
Rumbald was attacked with a golden rope that tied him up. Gundo attempted to shoot the genie, but the arrow passed right through. The genie moved to attack Gundo. A geyser of water shot up out of the floor under Gundo, and threw him in the air. He fell hard.
Rumbald called out some counselling words to rescue Norvin and Cenbald.
Norvin prayed for wisdom and noticed the genie still had vapour trails leading to the lamps. “Go for the lamps!” he called, climbing down the ladder off of the pedestal. Rumbald managed to free himself from his bonds while the genie sent another geyser of water, this time at Cenbald.
Gundo shot at a lamp with his bow, but the arrow did not do much. Cenbald threw his war hammer at one of the lamps, crunching it.
Norvin and Rumbald rushed at the same lamp, and Norvin destroyed it with his battle axe. The genie immediately appeared in front of him and attacked. Norvin said a WordRune to help his shield of faith, and withstood the attack. Rumbald tried to get around the genie to get to the last lamp. Norvin ran right through the genie, suffering minor damage.
Cenbald threw his trident from across the room and speared the final lamp. The genie vaporized.
The team went to the fourth lamp that had not been releasing vapour trails. They opened the lid, and a short creature with a large nose appeared in front of them. It was a gnome, who was being held prisoner. He introduced himself as Qzim.
The cavern started to collapse. The team ran out the door with the gnome. Cenbald stopped to pick up his weapons, but the opening collapsed.
Cenbald found a secret passage under the pedestal and found an escape tunnel. He followed the tunnel.
The team headed south at the gnome’s urging. They found what looked like a well. Norvin peered down the hole and spotted Cenbald. They threw a rope down to him, and everyone helped pull Cenbald up to the surface.
The team returned through the hollow tree, back to Ras Telesar. The Masters of the school were quite surprised to see a gnome!
The team of Initiates were accepted as full cadets of the order.