Format: Rails
Theme: Bullying
Author: Lightraider Academy
Available from: Rescue on Goblin Mountain is a published mini-adventure from the Lightraider Academy. To gain access to it, you simply need to go to their website and sign up for their newsletter.
Adventure Master: "Dad", AM for his 15th adventure.
Date in Real Life: Saturday, 23 July, 2022
In Game Day: Late-Spring
Player Characters:
Starflower the Lion Warrior (with Regulus the Lion) (19th mission)
Edward the Knight of the Way (19th mission.)
William the Bear Knight (with Bill the Bear) (21st mission),
Philip the Overlord’s Guard (21st mission), riding his horse, Johny.
Since this is an official published adventure from the Lightraider Academy, I'll try not to reveal any spoilers.
Rescue on Goblin Mountain is the second official mini-adventure. We played through in one game session. The guidebook includes battle maps, a few pre-rolled characters for convenience, useful WordRunes (including modifications to the handbook, and a new WordRune), and a brief description of the new xu rules that were introduced in Cold Flame, the first mini-adventure (xu stands for Experience Unit, which allows characters to increase their strength and agility).
One of the battle maps required printing off four sheets and taping them together to create a much larger area. This was an interesting idea, and the first time they had done this in the published adventures. Up until now, I had been using only one sheet for each battle.
Predictably, there are goblins, which we can guess from the title. At the climax of the adventure, there is a major goblin battle. The book allows for adaptability, saying to "place as many goblins as you think your group can handle." For this, I had to consider that we had 4 player characters, but one was a bear knight, and another a Lion Warrior, so I factored in the lion and bear as additional fighters. I also factored in the 3 NPCs that were helping, I then assumed each of the humans was going to use the "Master of All" WordRune to vaporize 3 goblins each. How many did I think they could handle? Well. My players were playing seasoned veteran Lightraider knights, each character having finished 18-20 missions already. They had high shield of faith ratings, those with Hatred of Evil were leveled up high. They all had significant battle experience, having brought down dragons, trolls, and all sorts of evils. They knew how to create bottle-necks so they wouldn't have too many dark creatures attack them at once. One of them was mounted, and wearing full battle armor. They knew their WordRunes, they knew their battle prayers.
We set a new record. 78 dead goblins on the battle field when it was over.
Hardly a scratch on my player's characters. (Some of the helper NPCs and other villagers had been hurt, however). We concluded that the battle would have been more tension-filled for lower ranked characters, and perhaps we should have sent in the team of cadets for this one.
On that note, perhaps we'll use our cadets for the next official mini-adventure.