Quagmire Rescue
Format: On Rails
Theme: Faithfulness
Author: Player 1
Adventure Master: Player 1 (“Starflower”), leading her 5th mission.
One Shot
Date in Real Life: Sunday, 2 April, 2023
In Game Day: Sheva, the 5th of Owol (early summer)
Player Characters:
Edward the Knight of the Way, on his 25th mission.
William the Bear Knight with Bill the Bear, on his 30th mission.
Philip the Overlord’s Guard, on his 29th mission.
Hector the Renewer, on his 16th mission.
(Starflower announced that her sister was getting married, so she went on a journey to her home town to visit her family)
The rest of the team was dispatched with the gnome Qzim to find the Gnome colony and bring them to the Liberated Lands.
They stepped out of the Hollow Tree into a swampy area. No sooner had they looked around, then they felt a strong sense of evil. They were immediately attacked by dragon mind speech, even though they couldn’t see their opponent. They refuted several mind speech attacks, and withstood a smoke attack as well. At last, they heard something crash through the trees off to their right, and the attacks stopped. William and Edward needed counselling.
As they journeyed through the swamp, they encountered a walking tree (Uthimi) that tried to cast a sin enchantment on them that animals were more important than humans. They chopped the tree down, and the stump ran off.

As they continued to walk through swamp, almost sinking a couple of times, they encountered a large reptilian creature that Qzim called a D-Rex. The monster was as large as a troll and tried to cast a sin enchantment on them as well, but was only aimed at those who were clean and hadn’t fallen in the mud. The creature was dealt a mortal blow, but it split, seeming to melt into mud, then retreating to the bog.

The team came to a hill that Qzim identified as the gnome colony. They climbed down into a hollowed-out tree. The gnomes were overjoyed to see that Qzim was back, and started worshipping him as the Messiah. They all gathered in a cavern, where the Lightraiders preached to them from Galatians 1 about abandoning the original gospel.
After straightening their theology, the team evacuated the 100-or-so gnomes and started the journey back to the hollow tree.
They encountered more D-Rexes, but Hector had the idea to try the Master of All WordRune, which worked.
As they reached the tree, they heard about 20 Uthimi trees walking towards them. The Lightraiders held them off while the gnomes made their escape. Once all the gnomes were through, the Lightraiders dashed in after them.