Date in Real Life: Sunday, 19 March, 2023
In Game Day: Arba the 22nd of Sawol
Team sailed to WacoWacoShire without incident. New Covenant’s passengers included the crew of the New Covenant, Lightraider team with their animals, the Earl of CremCremCare, Enel, 300ish dwarves, and the sorcerer Ixius, tied up as a prisoner. The ship was crowded, with dwarves everywhere, practically sitting in each other’s laps.
The ship docked, and the crew worked to unload their cargo of wine and seed. The Lightraider team set out. They had to find the real Earl and deal with the fake, as well as warn the town of the impending attack from an army of undead.
They met a guy named Reder Derayray, who said the earl would be at the tournament. He led them to the tournament grounds. Along the way, Philip spotted a goblin torturing a cat. He killed the goblin, and the cat promised to repay the kindness if he could. William rescued another cat from a tree, the team helped a lost child, and Starflower fed a hungry cat they spotted.
They found that the best way to get to the earl was to enter the tournament. Philip entered the jousting event, Edward wooden swords combat, Starflower archery and William entered knife throwing. Entry fee was 1 Claw per competitor, and they had to choose a monicker. Names chosen were Philip the Conqueror, Edward the Benevolent, Starflower the Cute and William the Great. They avoided playing any of the mini games on the way (including a hotdog eating contest, whack-a-goblin, a hammer smash strength tester, a fortune-teller, and a baked goods contest).
They competed in single-elimination tournaments, waiting patiently for their turns.
Philip the Conqueror competed against:
Hamond the Clumsy, Heimart the Resolute, Hamelen the Omen, Walganus the Noble and won the finals against Jeronim the Titan Wooden Swords Edward competed against: Bartholomew the Tiny, Helyot the Worthy, Dru the Great, then Goscelin the Magnificent. He lost to Goscelin, but a cat noticed Goscelin was cheating with an illegal sword, so he was disqualified and Edward moved on to the final round, where he won against Andrion the Demon. Archery Starflower competed in the Woman's league against Jonete of the North, Emelyne the Tracker, Emelina the Lion, she then lost to Manild of the Winter, but a cat noticed Manild was using non-regulation arrows, so Manild was disqualified. Starflower won against Sadie the Valiant, winning the event. Knife Throwing William the Great competed against Grady Black Eye, Calvert the Knuckles, Coby Nightmare, Darrel the Fool, and then lost in the finals against Welby the Shark.
Before the final events, DadoDadoSlade arrived, saying the Overlord had sent him from Hoyde to find them. He informed them that the Overlord had opened a Hollow Hill just outside of WacoWacoShire that led to the area around Hoyde. The team sent him to the New Covenant to lead the dwarves to the Hollow Hill, and then to the Hollow Tree.
While waiting for the award ceremony, the team came up with the idea to poison the fake earl (they sensed evil from him) with poison mushrooms that Hector had in his pack. During the toast to the victors, the earl died, and turned back into a greedo. Philip then announced to everyone that an undead army was coming. The crowd seemed to ignore the warning.
The team went in search of the real earl. They went to the Palaestra. It was locked. They broke in, but didn’t find anything.
They went to the Earl’s residence. The guards said the Earl was at the tournament and wouldn’t let them in. A cat purred against Starflower’s legs, and Starflower gave it some attention.
The team went to the military barracks and spoke to the town sheriff about the impending attack from an undead army. While there, a carrier pigeon arrived. The sheriff read the message and said that Hoyde was being attacked by the dragon.
“Oh no, the dwarves!” the team realized. They sent Hector on Philip’s horse to warn the dwarves.
Edward and William went to the Bear’s Tavern to see if they could learn anything. At the Tavern, William and Edward met a guy named Enryn who claimed a nymph had stolen his shadow. They decided they didn’t have time for this guy, and left.
Philip used his Overlord’s Guard ability to take on the appearance of the earl, and was then able to get into the Earl’s residence. He searched the manor and found the real earl tied up in the attic. He led him out while a cat distracted the guards.
The team raced for the docks, and learned it was too late, the dwarves had already gone through the Hollow Hill. Captain Francesca asked what she should do. The team advised her to come with them. Francesca set off to sell her ship and join the team at the Hollow Hill with her crew when she was able.
The team dashed through the Hollow Hill to find utter confusion. Hoyde was off to their left, on fire. Dwarves were running around everywhere in a field full of dead human villagers. The dragon was in the air, swooping and breathing fire.
“He’s not trying to kill anyone!” Edward realized quickly. “He’s trying to terrorize them. Probably to draw more strength.”
Tromara the elder Firedrake
Lightraiders counsel a couple of dwarves to get them to calm down. Send them out to calm others.
Mind Speech 4 “The Holy Spirit has the lowest rank in the Trinity”
Mind Speech 5 “The Holy Spirit was created at Pentecost”
Claw swooping. Starflower punches dragon as it flies by.
Fire attack
Fire ball- Ed Philip and dwarves
Mind Speech 6 “You only have a small piece of the Holy Spirit living in you.”
Mind Speech 7 “If you haven't been washed by the Holy Spirit, you have no spiritual gifts”
Smoke attack
Animate dead- dead humans stood up as zombies- join the battle.
Fire attack
Fire attack (Hector down- unconscious)
Smoke attack. Doom to dragon.
Clean up and head home.
Dwarves settle in Liberated Lands, founding New Brazenthrone in the mountains. Dwarves become playable characters.
End of Campaign.