Date in Real Life: Sunday, 12 March, 2023
In Game Day: Shalosh the 21st of Sawol (PM)
As the team was about to step into the gloom, Starflower heard the chirp of a chickadee from a tree branch at the cave opening.
“Hold on a moment,” she told the others. “Maybe this bird can get a message to the New Covenant.”She turned to the bird, prayed and began speaking with it. “Hello, chickadee!”
“Hello,” the bird chirped back. Starflower smiled. The Overlord was answering her prayer again.
“Can you do us a favour?” Philip chirped. He was standing beside her. Apparently the Overlord was allowing him to converse with animals as well.
“What favour?”
“Can you bring a message to the New Covenant?” Philip asked.
“Bring? Yes. What is New Covenant?”
Starflower rolled her eyes. Philip might have been granted the gift of conversing with animals, but he still didn’t understand how they think. “Big wood boat with people on it.”
“Wood fish on water with people?” the bird chirped.
“Yes, the tall one!” Starflower nodded. The Salt Dog was shorter and wider. She prayed the bird would understand which one she meant.
“Okay. Bring what?”
“Just a moment, I will get it ready,” Starflower said. She pulled out her parchment and quickly scrawled a message to Captain Francesca.
“I have a worm,” Philip said, pulling out his fishing gear. He offered the worm to the bird while Starflower finished her message.
“Yum! Thanks!” the chickadee chirped.
“Here,” Starflower said, holding out a rolled up strip of parchment. “Bring this to the big tall floating wood fish. Give to people.”
The chickadee swooped down, grabbed the message, and flew towards the river.
“I hope they get it. We might need a quick exit,” Philip said. “Speaking of which, hey giants! Can you leave the door open?”
“Why?” a giant asked, confused.
“Because we’re not strong enough to open it ourselves, so we can’t get back out if you close it.”
“Oh, okay,” the giant said lazily. “The meat should be ready, soon. Don’t be gone too long.”
Starflower took a deep breath and looked into the darkness. “Okay, onward,” she said quietly as they stepped further into the cave.
As the cave got darker, several members of the team prayed the NightLight WordRune to light their way.
“There’s something ahead,” Edward whispered, drawing his swords. The other raid team members quietly drew their weapons as well.
“Welcome, travellers!” a voice called out.
“They’re not travellers, they’re slaves!” a second voice said.
“Maybe they need a tour guide!”
“Maybe they don’t!”
“What’s going on?” Warheart muttered.
“Fluster beast,” Philip said as they came closer.
Rat- helpful
Orc and Cacus troll
Grimfinger the dwarf freed
Overhear meeting with Dragon and his key staff.
Battle with Tromara the dragon. Dragon leaves.
Battle with orcs, sorcerer, etc. William heroically runs along ledge, climbs down to free prisoners, then helps them back on ledge. Edward charges Sorcerer. Philip and Starflower maintain bottle neck at top of stairs, keeping orcs back. Rat reports goblins coming up from behind. Just when it seems all hope is gone, dwarf reinforcements arrive, wearing goblin armour. Team escapes. Sorcerer captured and brought with them.
Escape down the mountain.