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Iron Forge Campaign, Part 3, Session 9

Writer: Zachariah KenneyZachariah Kenney

Date in Real Life: Sunday, 3 December, 2022

In Game Day: Arba, the 15th of Sawol

The team explored the tunnel. They found a large wooden door. While inspecting the door, a unicorn appeared among them. The unicorn congratulated them on getting this far, and gave out rewards in the form of core strength maturity units, along with a couple of WordRunes. The WordRunes were to help them against the Minotaur, who they would find in his lair beyond the doors.

Arao the miner didn’t like talk of minotaurs and dangers, and decided to leave the team and go back to the mines.

The unicorn told them there was a dwarf in the tunnels they were in, and that they should find him first before facing the minotaur.

The team doubled back and took a different track. They found a dwarf sleeping in a cavern. They woke him up. He admitted to being the one who left the ceremonial dagger as a call for help. He suggested the Lightraiders were the answer to his prayers, although when they gave him the standard greeting (“The Overlord is with us”), he did not give the standard response (he said “He’s with me, too” instead of “Always and forever”). The dwarf’s name is Grulack Copperbranch.

The team went back to the large wooden door and prepared themselves. They ate lunch, prayed, said some WordRunes, then entered the labyrinth.

Right away in the entrance, they started feeling dizzy and light headed. They suspected some sort of trap room and stepped back out right away. They tried to figure out what was going on, including getting Leja’s water-horse, Peggy, to try washing the walls, but in the end, some Lightraiders wandered off in different directions. Eventually, they all stumbled off, becoming separated and lost in the maze.

After wandering for a tick or so, Starflower, Regulus and Bill managed to find each other. As they crept together, they spotted a lone orc walking down a corridor. They ambushed it from behind and killed it instantly.

Meanwhile, Leja and Peggy stayed at the entrance. Leja began singing, hoping to be a beacon other members of the team could find their way back to.

William found Philip, and Hector soon joined them. A moment later, the fearsome minotaur stepped out of a doorway, ambushing Philip. Philip returned the blow, but then the minotaur left. They tried to follow it, but after tracking for a tick, they ended up at a dead end. While debating what to do next, Edward walked up and joined them.

Meanwhile, Starflower and the animals found their way back to Leja and her singing. They started feeling light headed again, so they decided to leave the area, just as Grulack the dwarf found them as well.

They wandered for awhile, until at last they found the other Lightraiders. Shortly after the team was reunited, the minotaur sprang out from around a corner and slashed at Bill with his battle axe. Bill attacked him back, and the others joined in, slaying the beast.

The team continued to wander the maze. They heard the sound of hooves on stone and were worried they’d encounter another minotaur. Instead, they found a frightened and injured donkey. Starflower used her Converse with Animals ability to calm it down. It told them the minotaur had been stalking it and toying with it: slashing it, then leaving, only to track it down again. The donkey’s brother had already been killed! Sure enough, there was a donkey skeleton on the ground near by. They invited the donkey to travel with them, and Hector treated its wounds.

Remembering the stories of Samson in the Sacred Scrolls, Philip picked up the jawbone from the dead donkey. As he did so, he felt the Overlord’s blessing, and knew he had found a special item: the Jawbone of Whacking. He kept the weapon.

The team continued wandering. They found the dead orc that Regulus and Bill had killed.

The team continued wandering. They found a well. They refreshed themselves at the well. Peggy jumped into the water to see where it came from. She came back later to report that it was an underground river. Downstream led to the main river by CremCremCare, but upstream led to an underground city- possibly a dwarf city! The team was happy to hear this news, and continued on, eager to find their way through the maze.

The team continued wandering. They found a cavern with a human skeleton and an abandoned pack. When Leja bent to examine the pack, the team heard voices above them. Cave spiders were dangling from the ceiling, threatening them to leave. The team attacked the spiders and killed them. Leja went back to the pack and found a red cape in the bag, which she took.

The team continued wandering. They eventually found what appeared to be the minotaur’s bedroom. There was a hard iron bed with an animal skin on it, there was a large broadsword on the wall, and a treasure chest in the corner.

William tried to pick the lock, but was unsuccessful, so Philip smashed the box open. They found a scroll with a WordRune on it, and some Dragon currency.

Leja took the sword from the wall. The two-handed broadsword had the inscription “Sword of Goliath” on it. She felt the Overlord’s blessing, and knew she had discovered a special item.

The team continued wandering in the maze. At last, they came to a large wooden door that was not the entrance. The dwarf got excited when he saw the door. “This is it!” Grulack cried. “This is the way to the Dwarven City!”



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