Date in Real Life: Saturday, 17 December, 2022
In Game Day: Khamesh, the 16th of Sawol
After stepping through the door into the dark tunnel, the team realized how tired and hungry they were. They closed the door, then sat and ate. Grulack suggested they continue, since they will have better lodging at the Dwarven City. Leja convinced the others to stay and rest, instead of showing up exhausted in a new place. Grulack went ahead. The others slept, keeping watch. During Philip’s watch, Philip crept down the tunnel to scout ahead. He found several iron bars suspended over a small pit. After investigating, he determined there was no imminent danger, and he was able to cross it safely. He went back to the team.
When they were done resting, they got up and came to the iron bars. The humans could easily get across, but they had to figure out how to get the donkey across. Leja had the idea to construct a carrying sling, using rope and quarter staffs. They used this sling to lift up the donkey and carry it across. William and Leja slipped a bit, and twisted their ankles between the bars.
They made their way down the tunnel and came to a guard post. A dwarf was guarding the post. He introduced himself as Barizaem Icemane. Grulack had told him to expect them. Icemane led them into a grand hall. Five nobles were gathered there. Leja noticed they all seemed young. No white beards. The Lightraiders introduced themselves, but the dwarves were suspicious, thinking they might be spies from the dragon, sent to trick them.
“What can we do to earn your trust?” Hector asked.
The dwarves whispered among themselves before replying that they would like time to confer with one another. They gave permission for Icemane to show them around.
Icemane showed them the noble’s quarters, along with sealed off entrances to the palace ruins and old mines. The team asked why those places were sealed off. Icemane explained that a great battle took place, some 75 years ago. The dragon forces overwhelmed the dwarves. The old palace ruins was where a major battle took place. They sealed it as a tomb, because of all the bodies in there. They are a defeated people, little more than slaves. Orcs have them completely surrounded, with tunnels above, below, and all around.
“What do you eat?” Leja asked.
“Mushrooms,” was the short reply.
He also showed them the stairway down to the justice pit. He showed them to the iron mines, ore processing area, and forge. A branch of tunnel led to an abandoned gnome quarter. Icemane explained that there were no gnomes left. They were either away in the great battle, or were killed in the battle.
The team explored the old gnome buildings and found a few strange items. One was a scrap of paper with strange letters on it. Icemane said it wasn’t Dwarvish. Probably Gnomish. Icemane admitted he was too young to know any gnomish. They had all disappeared before he had been born. They found a book, which was mostly blank, but had some more writing on a page in the back. They also found a beautiful locket of gold with a sapphire in it. On closer inspection, they found out how to open it. Inside was a curious carving of possibly a gnome fighting some beast. Icemane commented that it seemed like typical fancy gnome work.
The party continued. Icemane pointed out the grand temple. He showed them the mushroom farm. Philip offered one of the dwarves working there some venison to distribute to the city.
Icemane brought them to the plaza. There were various market stalls. Leja asked if there were any old dwarves left who might know gnomish. Icemane brought them to a weaver named Thrinain Bluntchin. She was 197. They showed her the documents they had found. She admitted her gnomish was a little rusty, but she tried to read them. One seemed to describe some sort of password. The other mentioned some creature she didn’t recognize. They gave her some venison as a thank-you. They determined that they would need to ask the gnome at Ras Telesar about this when they got home.
By this time, Icemane figured the nobles would be ready for them. He led them back to the great hall. The nobles emerged from the palace into the Great Hall.
The five nobles said that to earn their trust, they must perform feats to prove their worth.
The first was Thunda Earthdelver. He claimed to be the minister at the Grand Temple. “To prove that you are light raiders, come to the Grand Temple when you are ready, and I will ask you some questions.” The second noble was Arardarlum Frostaxe: He said the dwarves prided themselves on their crafting ability. He oversaw the forge. His challenge was for the team to produce an item of superior quality, using the tools and materials in the city. The third was Dwoldrumin Smelttank, the noble in charge of the military. He challenged the team to prove themselves in battle. A beast lurked in the old mines. They were to enter the old mines, slay the beast, and bring back proof. The fourth was Thorruri Nightbraid, minister of Justice. He said they had a prisoner in their justice pit. They were to hear the case and render judgment. Nightbraid would then determine if they were people of honor. The fifth was Dinain Flintmace. He declared that history and lore was very important to the dwarven people. He wanted to hear them recount their tales of valour, tell him the names of their weapons, and so on.