Date in Real Life: Sunday, 27 November, 2022
In Game Day: Morning of Arba, the 15th of Sawol
Introducing: Leja the Lightraider.
Team spent night at Earl’s house.
One of the night watches might have heard a Wood Sprite who might have spotted them.
Early in the morning, they heard loud banging on the door. A greedo was demanding the household “open up in the name of the dragon.”
The team sneaked out the back door with the earl, only to encounter orcs. Edward even had to fight a beserker orc (two swords vs. Two swords). They looked up from their skirmish to see a couple hundred orcs surrounding the estate.
They saw they were surrounded and the situation seemed hopeless, so Starflower prayed to the Overlord, and fire fell from heaven, roasting all of the orcs in the area. They made good their escape.
On the way out of town, they smelled cinnamon buns, and couldn’t resist stopping for breakfast. The encountered Leja, a self-studied/Homeschooled Lightraider. She agreed to help them if she could join them on their adventure.
Leja (Player 6)
Special Abilities: Blend with Surroundings; Sense Evil; Merciful Compassion
Weapons: Hand to Hand; Longbow; Banalon
Class: Inventor/Tinkerer
They continued out of town, casually leaving in small groups. Philip, still looking like Nathaniel, was stopped by Silaniphia again. Leja distracted her so Philip could get away. Leja attempted to share the Great Rescue with her, but in the end, she did not accept the message.
The team continued to the mines. Leja knew a secret entrance to avoid the orcs. They met Arao the miner and helped him finish his morning quota so that he would be available to show them where he found the dagger. After he showed them the place, they found a secret entrance to a deeper tunnel.
As the team penetrates deeper into the mountain, thus ends Part 2 of the Iron Forge Campaign.