Format: On rails
Theme: Apathy
Author: "Philip" (player 4)
Available from: (no guidebook. Feel free to use this blog post as inspiration. Mission was mainly play-testing new dark creatures)
Adventure Master: Philip, AM for his 2nd adventure.
Date in Real Life: Sunday, 31 July, 2022
In Game Day: Late-Spring
Player Characters:
Starflower the Lion Warrior (with Regulus the Lion) (20th mission).
Edward the Knight of the Way (20th mission).
William the Bear Knight (with Bill the Bear) (22nd mission).
Hector the Light Raider, on his 9th mission.
The Lightraider team was sent out to clear a cave of Shades.
The team found the entrance to the cave easily, as the Hollow Tree opened right near it.
They made their way into the cave. While exploring the tunnels, they found crates of dead Wood Sprites. One was alive, and succeeded in enchanting Hector. The team squashed the Wood Sprite and rescued Hector. The team continued exploring.
They used their Night Light Word Runes to light the way. They spotted and stepped over a trip wire. They found several shades, and used their Night Light Word Runes to vaporize them.
As they continued exploring, they found locked doors. William attempted to pick the locks. They found a janitor closet. They found teeth that Starflower identified as vampire teeth. Hector found a mallet and made a stake with some of the scrap wood. Starflower helped herself to a broom handle.
The team kept exploring and came across an altar, with a secret passage underneath it. They descended a level and explored more tunnels. They came to a room with a coffin. While they were debating what to do, a vampire jumped out. Regulus leaped and tackled it to the ground, and Bill sat on it. Hector rushed forward with his stake and mallet, and the others with their weapons. As Hector pounded the stake into the vampire’s chest, Edward prayed. The Overlord answered the battle prayer with fire, and the vampire was incinerated. The team was jubilant and considered it mission accomplished.