Player Characters:
Philip the Overlord’s Guard (13th mission. 1st mission with this qualification)
William the Bear Knight (with Bill the Bear) (13th mission).
Starflower the Lion Warrior (with Regulus the Lion) (12th mission).
Hector, on his 2nd mission.
(Edward the Knight of the Way did not participate in this mission, as he was needed to help instruct some cadets at the academy)
Style: Hexmap
Author: Player 2 (Edward). 1st time Adventure Master.
Theme: Forgiveness.
Session 1
Date in Real Life: Friday 1 Apr 2022
In Game Day: Early Spring, sometime in month of Irwol. Day 1 of adventure, from just after breakfast to about 11am.
The team stepped out of the Hollow Tree into a forest. They followed a path and fell into a hole. They explored underground tunnels, encountering a Hobbit who gave them venison, some healing potion, and an invisibility ring. They learned of bothersome cave trolls. They explored and entered a trap room. There were strange markings/buttons on the wall, and the ceiling didn’t look stable. Hector started pushing buttons, and the ceiling started coming down. Some people got upset with him, and Hector began to panic, convinced he had caused everyone’s doom. But nothing happened. The ceiling went back up, and the doors opened. Upon further exploration, they found a troll guarding a bridge. Philip used the ring to sneak around behind it, and the team killed it. They explored further and found the rest of the troll family, whom they fought in a deadly battle, with large battle axes being thrown around. Hector was injured. Starflower got attacked, but her armour shielded her. Invisible Philip and Bill the Bear were instrumental in taking out the foes. They found some healing potion, but didn’t touch anything else, like the treasure they found. They explored more tunnels, and found a goblin cutting the ropes on a bridge. Philip took it out with his bow and arrow. Philip and Hector managed to get across and repair the bridge to allow the others to safely cross. They came to a hidden cave opening behind a waterfall. Starflower got out just fine. Philip fell in the river. Hector rushed and used his sling to dispatch an approaching Valpaz while Starflower dove in and helped Philip. Bill fell in the river too, but was able to swim out on his own.
To be continued...
Session 2
Date in Real Life: Saturday 2 Apr 2022
In Game Day: Spring, 11am-4pm
NPC introduced: Gondo
The Lightraiders decided to follow the river. They stopped for lunch, and Philip decided to go fishing. He caught a Valpaz, which they killed. He then hooked a shark, which Bill helped him kill.
The team continued following the river until they arrived at a human village. Many humans were working on building houses, even though they didn’t need them. Apparently Grims wanted to move in. The team suspected Grim enchantment.
They made their way to town square, and saw civilians, guards and grims milling about the marketplace. One grim eyed Philip suspiciously. Philip decided to use his Overlord’s Guard ability to take on a different appearance. The team started attacking grims, which concerned the human soldiers, who drew their weapons. Hector clobbered one grim with his war hammer, only to get shot in the back by a human’s arrow. He ducked behind a building, but another guard chased him. He put his hammer away and defused the situation by telling the guard they were there to liberate the town from the grims. Starflower casually walked up to a grim and used her hand-to-hand combat skill to take him out, which drew the attention of the same bow-and-arrow wielding guard. Starflower managed to get him to lower his weapon by stating they meant no harm. Philip came back with a different appearance, and killed a grim, then talked to another guard. Regulus chased down and mauled a grim. William injured another one with his bare hands, so it tried to run away, only to also get mauled by Regulus.
The team talked to the guards, who suggested they all go see the mayor. They went to town hall, where they found more grims mixed with guards. Bill charged one, while Regulus leaped over a fountain to take out another one. Starflower approached a third. This one pulled out his sling and attempted to fling a lode stone at Starflower, but her shield of faith easily blocked it. At the same time, Hector used his sling to land a critical shot on this grim, causing it to drop its sling and die.
Starflower glanced over at Hector. “Good shot!” she called.
Another grim came out of the town hall, only to be killed instantly by Regulus. The human guards drew their weapons. Hector tried to explain, pleading with them to put down their swords. The Mayor came out and ordered the guards to hold. The team explained to the mayor that the grims had the village under enchantment, but that they were there to liberate the village. The mayor agreed, since he had also noticed the grim problem. The team started trying to explain the Great Rescue, but the mayor delayed them, saying he wanted everyone to hear. He called a town meeting, and everyone gathered in the town square. Starflower explained the gospel to the villagers. 52 people came to faith, and Hector and Philip baptized them in the fountain.
The guard who had shot Hector asked if he could join the Lightraiders. Hector asked if this was alright with the mayor. The Mayor felt he had to stay to lead the town, so he was happy that one of his guards could join the good fight. The team stayed and talked, with Hector explaining to the mayor how to be a spiritual leader to the new church that had formed. The mayor told them more about the island, including the valpaza infestation in the river, orcs in the mountains, a forest troll, a family of cave trolls (who were already dead!), and grims everywhere. They weren’t quite sure where the grim village was.
They left the village, deciding they wanted to search the forests for grims.
Session 3
Date in Real Life: Sunday 3 Apr 2022
In Game Day: Spring, Day 1 4pm to supper on Day 2
New player characters:
NPC: Gondo, as a potential on his first mission.
The team started systematically combing the forests to find grims. They found seven of them north of the village. They cut through some mountains (encountering orcs along the way), and then got back into the forest. As they made their way around, they encountered a swarm of goblins, a forest troll living in a log cabin, more grims, and eventually arrived at the grim’s stronghold. It was surrounded by a stone wall. A greedo was present, and tried to entice the Lightraiders. Hector fell under enchantment, but Starflower managed to counsel him. Philip changed his appearance and entered the stronghold without raising suspicion. He was escorted to the leader, who was a strange orc/grim hybrid. Starflower, Bill and Regulus crept to the main gate and waited just outside. Meanwhile, Hector, Gondo and William attacked the greedo and the grims on the wall with their slings and arrows. After dropping all their targets, they charged the wall. Gondo and William easily climbed up the wall, but Hector fell. He kept praying, since he wasn’t able to do much else. Meanwhile, inside, Philip took out the boss, while Bill and Regulus leaped from grim to grim, tearing them to shreds. Starflower ended up taking a fair bit of damage, since three grims ganged up on her for a couple of rounds of combat (until the animals eliminated them). William and Gondo gained the top of the wall and sent some missiles into the fray, taking out more grims. Regulus killed the final one.
The team took some time to rest and pass around healing potions and bandages.
Mission accomplished, the team made their way back to the hollow tree, killing a cave spider along the way.