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Bahanen Islands Adventure 4

Writer: Zachariah KenneyZachariah Kenney

Format: Hex Crawl

Theme: Revenge and Love. Also, playtesting new orc variations.

Author: "Player 2"

Available from: coming soon to this website, in our Homemade Adventures

Adventure Master: Player 2 (Edward), AM for his 4th mission.


Date in Real Life: Sunday, 14 August, 2022

In Game Day: Akhat, the 25th of Samwol (early summer)

Player Characters:

  • Starflower the Lion Warrior (with Regulus the Lion) (21st mission)

  • William the Bear Knight (with Bill the Bear) (23rd mission)

  • Philip the Overlord’s Guard (22nd mission), riding his horse, Johny.

  • Hector the Light Raider, on his 10th mission.

A group of ambitious Potentials got into trouble in the Dragon Lands, so the team was dispatched to rescue them.

The team arrived on the Bahanen Islands and found their old boat. They started paddling to the north east. They spotted a pirate ship, but prayed for the Overlord to send a whirlwind. Wind came and steered the pirate ship away.

The team made it safely to the next island. They hid the boat and began walking. They encountered a hermit named Nathan. Hector shared the Great Rescue, and Nathan accepted and joined the team. They came across a destroyed hut, which was unsettling for some of them.

The team continued, and sensed an ambush. Several orcs came upon them, including orcs mounted on wolves, and one on a bear. The team used a wordrune to vaporize a few of them, then fought. The wolves who suddenly had no riders were dispatched quickly. The one riding a bear grappled with Bill, while Philip rode up behind and skewered the rider with his lance. They could see the bear just wanted to get away, so they let it go and it bolted.

After the battle, Hector applied first aid to everyone he could. Then the party continued. They came across some dead birds, which was unsettling for some of them again.

The team came to rocky crags, the entrance to the orc caverns. They went in, fighting several orcs. They fought their way to a dungeon area. They found a set of letters on the jail door. Hector, Starflower and William got to work cracking the code, while Philip patrolled the area, slaying any orcs who tried to interfere.

Eventually the code was cracked (OLMN), and the potentials were freed. Before they could leave, the orc chieftain came with several other orcs. A valiant battle ensued. Hector had his hand broken by an orc’s critical hit.

The team managed to make it out alive. They rested and ate on the shores. When night fell, they carried their boat across the moonbridge to get to the hollow tree on the other island.



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