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Minotaur  strategy: Enjoys stalking prey. Minotaur gets advantage (strikes first)  since he knows the maze very well. Will strike once (Lightraider has  chance to respond), then will withdraw. Will not attempt critical hits  in these situations.

PE check after Minotaur withdraws. If fail, PC panics and get lost again
Will not withdraw if there are 4 or more team members present. Might attempt critical hits if near death.

Minotaurs  have the heads of bulls and the bodies of men. They usually inhabit  deserted castles, caves, or even thick, dark forests. These creatures  are usually very mean, but also very lonely. They like to talk, and will  sometimes ally themselves with a group of people for some task. But,  the minotaur will want everyone to do things “the right way”, his way.  They will be very stubborn in order to get their way, because, after  all, it is the best way. Even if it is obviously the wrong thing to do,  the minotaur will stick to his plan.

Minotaurs are very strong and aggressive, they will not hesitate to  start a fight if crossed. They prefer a battle axe, but will use a sword  at times. 

Bad breath of minotaur: roll for sin enchantment vs. GE (damage GE).

They tend to snort when getting angry, and this snorting can  produce a cloud of foul smelling breath. Minotaur bad breath transfers  the Bullhead sin enchantment which causes victims to want their own way.  This stubborness can be wrapped in logical or empassioned arguments,  anything in order to get the victim’s way. This enchantment can quickly  cause division and even chaos in a raid team, so beware!

Personal Vitality (PV)


Battle Ability



2SSt+3 axe, bite, gore (character thrown 2 grid squares), or hand to hand if disarmed.

Special Stats

ST 10

Size: 7′
Move: 2/4/-
Carry: 200
Sense Evil DL: 5
Courage DL: 6

Tales from Talania

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