Tales from Talania
Cacus Troll

(Fire breathing troll)
Usually found in caves.
Cacus Trolls are jealous of anything. Your clothes, your hair style, your amazing teeth, your shiny weapons.
Sin Enchantment: Jealousy vs. PE. The Cacus Troll jealousy sin enchantment is passed on to PCs by hearing their envy.
Personal Vitality (PV)
Battle Ability
BA: 18 (when using hand to hand or other weapons it may have)
Weapon: Fire breath (same as Dragon Fire Weapon). Fire attack ability: 12 (12 SSt, but reduce by SF rating of target)
Can also use other weapons or armour it may have acquired in jealousy. (For example, if you find a Cacus Troll living among orcs, it will probably have orc armament handy)
Special Stats
Defense: immune to fire or heat damage.